NEW: ED161 Christian Education: Foundations and Technology

Our latest course available for pre-order is ED161 Christian Education: Foundations and Technology by Dr. Andrew Peterson:
In Christian Education: Foundations and Technology, Andrew Peterson provides a broad overview of what it takes to create and run a Christian course, program, or school. The course begins by exploring foundations such as biblical theology, motivations, and goals, and then moves on to technical aspects such as instructional design, modes of communication, and media. Dr. Peterson then discusses aspects of teaching K–12 students, with a focus on educational psychologies, teaching methods, and academic disciplines. He concludes by examining adult Christian education in the contexts of church ministry, workplace, and civil community.
I'm excited to see this course come out. I work in education and am especially looking forward to the Christian education in the contexts of church ministry. Hope this is published soon!
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I was trying to find more info about Dr. Peterson do you know where he is currently working or any previous experience?
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Oops! Wrong bio.
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Dale Brueggemann said:
Eugene Peterson, born in East Stanwood, Washington in 1932, is an author and former college professor and pastor. He is a graduate of the Biblical Theological Seminary in New York (now New York Theological Seminary) and holds a Master’s degree in Semitic Languages from Johns Hopkins University. In 1962 he became the organizing pastor of Christ Our King Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) in Bel Air, Maryland where he pastored for several decades. After retiring from Christ Our King, Peterson taught for five years at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia. He then retired to the state of Montana where he had grown up and where he continues to write. He is especially well-known for his paraphrase of the Bible from the original languages: The Message.
Yes, but the question is about Andrew Peterson
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Oops! Grabbed the wrong bio. I'll look and give this another try with the correct one if I find it.
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Thanks for the quick heads-up on my mistake. Looking for a bio now.
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- Andrew Peterson, Ph.D.; Vice President for Educational Innovation & Global Outreach at Western Seminary, Portland, OR
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Thanks Dale