LogosNext V6 Feedback (Closed Beta)



  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    alabama24 said:

    I didn't think I'd like tabs on mobile, but WOW! Really nice work.

    "Tabs" isn't really the right word... "desktops" comes closer, but isn't quite right either. 

    Yeah. When tabs were mentioned long ago, I kept thinking of those clunky file cabinet tabs like we have on desktop. All I could imagine was a big clunky interface. This is smooth. Now that I say that I wanna go try and find if there’s a limit to number of tabs/desktops/workspaces...

    Is anyone having trouble with the splitter bar? I keep missing it. Maybe my small fingers? It needs a big invisible grab area to widen it. I think I’m getting better but it’s a pain.

  • Kenneth Neighoff
    Kenneth Neighoff Member Posts: 2,627 ✭✭✭
  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 32,912

    How do you find the slider on a new tab?

    There currently isn't one, not sure if one is planned

  • James McAdams
    James McAdams Member Posts: 763 ✭✭✭

    How do you find the slider on a new tab?

    There currently isn't one, not sure if one is planned

    Not sure what you mean? If it's the slider for the top/bottom windows (is that the right word?), then open tab view and press the two boxes in the top right corner to display the slider.

    Apologies if I've misunderstood.

  • Kenneth Neighoff
    Kenneth Neighoff Member Posts: 2,627 ✭✭✭

    How do you find the slider on a new tab?

    There currently isn't one, not sure if one is planned.

    thanks Graham.

    the reason I asked is because there is one on the first tab, the one that is there when the app opens.   

    I'm still trying to figure out how to change books or Bibles in that first tab.

  • Kenneth Neighoff
    Kenneth Neighoff Member Posts: 2,627 ✭✭✭

    How do you find the slider on a new tab?

    There currently isn't one, not sure if one is planned

    Not sure what you mean? If it's the slider for the top/bottom windows (is that the right word?), then open tab view and press the two boxes in the top right corner to display the slider.

    Apologies if I've misunderstood.

    thanks James. That is what I was looking for.  

    Definately not that easy to find.

  • Matthew
    Matthew Member Posts: 941

    I have seen Apple mentioned several times on this thread and am confused. Are all the wonderful changes that are being discussed only available on Apple devices? If so, I would assume Android support will follow at some point?

  • Giovanni Segar
    Giovanni Segar Member, Logos Employee Posts: 11

    Matthew said:

    I have seen Apple mentioned several times on this thread and am confused. Are all the wonderful changes that are being discussed only available on Apple devices? If so, I would assume Android support will follow at some point?

    Yes, Android is coming soon. The final release will be simultaneous with iOS. We're just ahead on iOS. 

  • Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes Member Posts: 15,432 ✭✭✭

    Before I give my first impressions, I'll just say that I'm delighted that there's a multi-tabbed interface. I've been wanting that for a long, long time (without realising it!). It answers a lot of my frustrations. That said…

    My first 15 minutes with the app were frustrating to say the least. I encountered the following issues:

    1. I couldn't get rid of the split screen by dragging it to the bottom, as I had been used to. I worked out much later it was on the tabs page, but I see no reason why it can't be draggable too.
    2. Whilst trying to get rid of the split screen, I kept highlighting text accidentally. The current version of the app only highlights if you swipe horizontally, whilst the new version also highlights when you swipe vertically. I actually prefer to allow vertical highlighting, but it needs to be less sensitive.
    3. The app allowed me to use it before my library had downloaded, but it was a frustrating experience. My Bible version was wrong, and I couldn't change it to my preferred version (presumably because my preferred version hadn't been added to the library). It would have been better if I'd been made to wait.
    4. I got two crashes. I'll add the logs once I've synced to iTunes.
    5. The library very frequently jumped to the top when I scrolled down. It made it almost impossible to choose resources below the fold. It's calmed down now, but was very annoying for at least 10 minutes.
    6. On the tabs page, the tap targets for new tab and link (at the bottom) are too small for my fingers. I have to tap slightly off the screen to get them to work.
    7. Because the UI only comes up when you scroll down (not if you scroll up), it's hard to get the UI to appear when you're at the beginning of the resource.
    8. When you're at the first tab, and swipe right you get the rubber-band effect. But I think the background outside the tab should be dark grey, not white.
    9. The animation when you tap the blue button gives the appearance you're going one tab to the left/right, regardless of how many tabs there actually are. I would prefer a more realistic animation.
    10. I really like the idea of the blue button, but I don't think the icon is right. It feels like tapping the Logos logo should take you to the home page, not your Bible. I'd prefer a simple Bible icon (perhaps the cover of your preferred Bible, or a standard cover with the short title, such as NIV)
    11. I'd like an option to keep the existing apps ability to keep the current resource/location always onscreen.
    12. I miss not being able to see how far through a book I am. A slider, or percentage would be useful.

    To end with a positive, I absolutely love how quick it is to move to a different tab (although I think we'd be better off calling these 'panels'). That answers my #1 frustration with the existing app. The library also seems much more responsive. That answers my #2 frustration.

    This is my personal Faithlife account. On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Posts on this account shouldn't be taken as official Faithlife views!

  • Daniel Di Bartolo
    Daniel Di Bartolo Member, Logos Employee Posts: 326

    BIG THANKS to everyone who has been providing detailed feedback. We can't respond to every individual comment, but please know that we're reading each and every one. Here's why it's helpful:

    • We're learning about new bugs
    • You're affirming some assumptions we had
    • You're helping us prioritize future work/improvements
    • You're confirming to our team that you don't like it when we move the cheese :)

    This IS a beta, and we are currently working on several things that you have mentioned in your critical feedback. Some things just aren't ready yet. In fact, we just shipped an update that impacted some animations, gestures, ect. 

    Looking forward to chatting more. 

  • Daniel Di Bartolo
    Daniel Di Bartolo Member, Logos Employee Posts: 326

    The library very frequently jumped to the top when I scrolled down. It made it almost impossible to choose resources below the fold. It's calmed down now, but was very annoying for at least 10 minutes.

    I know this is annoying. It's a known issue. It happens when you're library is loading. Moving forward, we want to do a better job of indicating to people when their library is loading and when/if it will impact performance in some way. 

    Because the UI only comes up when you scroll down (not if you scroll up), it's hard to get the UI to appear when you're at the beginning of the resource.

    Also a known issue. We're addressing this.


    The animation when you tap the blue button gives the appearance you're going one tab to the left/right, regardless of how many tabs there actually are. I would prefer a more realistic animation.

    We are working on an interaction here. 

  • Gavin Murphy
    Gavin Murphy Member Posts: 109
    Hmmm. Now "LORD" is back to "Lord" in the ESV cross-reference previews in the new beta.
  • Phil Miller
    Phil Miller Member Posts: 40 ✭✭✭
    When reading a resource, some of the text on the top and bottom of screen is hidden by the toolbars. It feels a little tedious to have to tap the screen to remove the top and bottom bars in order to see all the text, and then tap again to restore the toolbars to navigate. It is a nice feature to be able to get rid of the toolbars and use the entire screen if desired. Could the text be required to be displayed within the toolbars when the toolbars are visible?
  • Jack Caviness
    Jack Caviness MVP Posts: 13,551

    1. On the view where you can see all your open tabs, I would like to be able to drag a tab that has a single resource in it on top of another tab with a single resource, and get the option to transform them into a single tab with two resources. You could allow the user to determine which resource will end up on which side simply by whether they drag it to the left or right hand side of the tab.

    Yes, Please. Was disappointed that it did not work that way [:(]

  • John Murphy
    John Murphy Member Posts: 38

    Is there a way to be invited still or is it limited in who can be sent an invite? Thanks!

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    Is there a way to be invited still or is it limited in who can be sent an invite?

    I don't speak for FL, but from another post it doesn't sound like more invites will be given out for the Alpha... but the beta should be available soon. Are you a beta test using TestFlight? My guess is that you could receive an invite to that if you want. All warnings should be heeded, however. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 32,912

    How do you find the slider on a new tab?

    There currently isn't one, not sure if one is planned

    Not sure what you mean? If it's the slider for the top/bottom windows (is that the right word?), then open tab view and press the two boxes in the top right corner to display the slider.

    Apologies if I've misunderstood.

    Thanks James

    I had missed that.  Very helpful, Graham

  • Mike Binks
    Mike Binks MVP Posts: 7,447

    Hi Daniel

    So far I have only used the beta for reading in scrolling mode however I am finding the proclivity of the top and bottom bars to appear for almost every touch of the screen a bit of a distraction.

    I sometimes like to move a paragraph that I have read (and think I have understood) off the screen and find that the top bar has obscured my new start point.

    Please will the team take a look at this behaviour perhaps making the bars only appear after a short 'tap' and avoiding the appearing at the start of a 'drag'?

    tootle pip


    Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS

  • James McAdams
    James McAdams Member Posts: 763 ✭✭✭

    I'm not sure if the topic guide is trying to tell me something, but every time I type in a search for "Gluttony", it changes it to "Love" and gives me the results for that.

    It seems to do the same regardless of what topic I search for. Really odd.

  • James McAdams
    James McAdams Member Posts: 763 ✭✭✭

    If I open a link from anywhere (e.g. from the further reading section of the FSB study notes) to a resource that I don't own, it will open in a blank tab - I don't get the pop-up message advising that the resource isn't available.

  • Fred Chapman
    Fred Chapman Member Posts: 5,899 ✭✭✭

    I like the direction you are taking the app. Here are a few suggestions:

    1. Have the app open to the Home Screen (or at least provide that option in settings
    2. One the Home Screen provide the ability to access the Library, Documents, and Tools rather than simply clicking Done
    3. Provide a command to collapse or expand all sections in guides (Passage, Exegetical, etc.). This would be similar to the right click command command on the desktop app. Ideally, the guides would open with all sections collapsed. Currently they open expanded
    4. Provide the ability to link guides, text comparison, etc with bibles and other resources.
    5. In addition to the current search function, provide a search command within an open bible or resource (not in a new screen tab) that will enable a user to search within that resource whether online or offline. I understand that offline searches would be dependent on the resource being downloaded to the device.

    Some of these may already be in the plan. 

    Keep up the good work.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    I am finding the proclivity of the top and bottom bars to appear for almost every touch of the screen a bit of a distraction.

    +1 [Y]

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • Myke Harbuck
    Myke Harbuck Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭

    Apologies if these things have already been mentioned....

    Filtering by author in the library: When sorting by author in the library, and then filtering for a specific author (any author), no results appear on the right hand side of the library search panel.

    Checking off prayers in Today's Prayers: I was hoping that this would be fixed with the new beta, but apparently not. When clicking on prayers to check them off, some will disappear (the expected behavior, I presume) and others persist with a check mark. I'm not sure why some remain and others do not. Seems to me that they should all go away until they are due again.

    Home Page: Also, I was hoping there'd be some enhancements to the home page. It needs attention. To be fair, I don't know what it needs, but it needs to be refreshed, and should have more offerings..perhaps links to last read books, documents, courses, etc, Perhaps others would have ideas for more content for the home page to jazz it up a little.

    Printing documents: Can you implement the ability to print documents from the app? So many of my iphone apps now allow printing to my WiFi printer, which is nice. It would be great to be able to print documents from the app.

    Search results summary: Can you add the number of hits to the search results?

    Thanks for the work you guys have done thus far. This is an excellent improvement with so much potential! I'm very excited about they direction you guys are going with both the new mobile app and the Web app!

    Myke Harbuck
    Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
    Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    Checking off prayers in Today's Prayers: I was hoping that this would be fixed with the new beta, but apparently not. When clicking on prayers to check them off, some will disappear (the expected behavior, I presume) and others persist with a check mark. I'm not sure why some remain and others do not. Seems to me that they should all go away until they are due again.

    I don't use the app for prayers, but I do have a theory. What is the scheduled timing of the prayers? Do "daily" prayers remain, while "once a week" ones disappear?

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • PL
    PL Member Posts: 2,146 ✭✭✭

    Can I be invited to the Alpha / Beta PLEASE?

    Does this work on iPads?


    Peter Li

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
    Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!

  • PL
    PL Member Posts: 2,146 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the TestFlight invite. I redeemed it on my iPad, but when I tried doing the same on the iPhone, it says it can only be redeemed once. I guess if I want to test it on both devices, I would need a new invite?



  • Myke Harbuck
    Myke Harbuck Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭

    Actually, what you are redeeming is the invite to beta test. Once done, the updates will show in Testflight on any devices logged into your iOS account. It may take a minute to sync on the other devices.

    Myke Harbuck
    Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
    Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College

  • SineNomine
    SineNomine Member Posts: 7,043 ✭✭✭

    Matthew said:

    I have seen Apple mentioned several times on this thread and am confused. Are all the wonderful changes that are being discussed only available on Apple devices? If so, I would assume Android support will follow at some point?

    Yes, Android is coming soon. The final release will be simultaneous with iOS. We're just ahead on iOS. 

    Will there be a VerbumNext released simultaneously as well?

    “The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara