Mobile Ed Subscription Update

From January 1- March 31, enjoy access to over 50 hours of Mobile Ed for the low price of $49.99 per month! Enjoy full access to 11 Mobile Ed courses from Craig Keener, Craig A. Evans, David A. deSilva, K. Scott Oliphint, and more! Here is the full list of courses:
- AP121 Introducing Covenantal Apologetics II: Applications by K. Scott Oliphint
- BI103 Principles of Bible Interpretation by Craig S. Keener
- CH241 The History of Christianity in the United States by Chris Armstrong
- MI251 Biblical Theology of Urban Ministry by John Fuder
- NT201 The Cultural World of the New Testament by David A. deSilva
- NT319 Book Study: The Gospel of Luke in Its Gentile Context by Craig A. Evans
- OT366 Book Study: Daniel and Its Literary and Historical Contexts by Wendy Widder
- TH241 Christology: The Doctrine of Christ by Gerry Breshears
As we say farewell to the courses featured in the Mobile Ed Individual Subscription from October - December, we would like to extend a 30% discount on all courses that are being retired from the subscription.
This exclusive 30% discount is for anyone with a Mobile Ed Subscription.
Use discount code: mobileedsubscription to save 30% off the following courses:
- AP211 Show and Tell: Apologetics in the Postmodern Context/Culture by Jim Belcher
- BI100 Learn to Study the Bible by Darrell L. Bock
- CO111 Gospel-Centered Counseling by Elyse Fitzgerald
- ED101 Introducing Discipleship by Greg Ogden
- LD101 Introducing Ministry Leadership by Justin Irving
- NT251 The Sermon on the Mount by Jonathan Pennington
- OT281 How We Got the Old Testament by Michael S. Heiser
- TH221 Doctrine of Man by Lane Tipton
Hurry! The 30% discount ends on January 31, 2017. Don't miss your chance to own any or all of the courses!
Don’t have a Mobile Ed Subscription? Check it out here.
Follow the Mobile Ed Lecture Hall for Mobile Ed Subscription content updates, giveaways, and exclusive discounts on courses featured in the Mobile Ed Subscription.