New Pre-pubs Shipping Soon

We have several courses shipping in June that you won't want to miss
OT285 Introducing Torah by Rebekah Josberger (ships June 21)
Dr. Josberger provides a passionate and insightful view of how God’s character is revealed in the Old Testament through His Torah.
CH351 History of Heresies by Michael Bird (ships June 25)
Dr. Bird discusses heresies in the early church—from Paul's opponents referred to in his letters to heresies like Gnosticism, Docetism, modalism, and Arianism—explaining what they consisted of and why they were rejected so the church today avoid repeating their mistakes.
Ministering in Multiethnic Contexts Bundle (2 courses) by Soong-Chan Rah (ships June 28)
In MI211 Ministry in Multiethnic Contexts Dr. Rah addresses the challenges of cross-cultural ministry in both theological and practical ways. In MI212 Church Planting in Multiethnic Contexts Dr. Rah takes an insightful look at the intersection of culture, church planting, and church growth, and discusses the impact of both our theological and cultural views in creating an environment where diversity is welcome.
Usually, I don't do videos. No patience. But Soon-Chan Rah caught my eye. He has a book in Logos. And if you're not familiar with him:
I ended up picking up his discussion in:
I'd suspect his 2 courses would be quite good.
"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.