I could use some help with Notes please



  • Dennis Davis
    Dennis Davis Member Posts: 169 ✭✭

    Karl, I love your post!  I too have been wondering just how in the world to use the new version of notes but your post helps me conceptualize it nicely. 

  • Whyndell Grizzard
    Whyndell Grizzard Member Posts: 3,502 ✭✭✭

    MJ. Smith said:

    Is the intent of workflow eliminate the use of layouts

    No, but one side effect of them in conjunction with the new appropriate to guides is that it is easier to keep a clean workspace oriented to complete a specific task efficiently.

    if I delete a layout and I have created a link for it in a folder in favorites do both links disappear?

    I have no idea ... I'd either need to set the condition up to test or leave it to someone else to answer. 

    MJ thought I would let you know if you create a link in Favorites for a layout- then delete the layout link- it stays in favorites- which means, creates a Passage Guide or any of the other Workflows can be saved directly into favorites by passing Layouts version of the same. What long term effect it may have on L8 not sure of maybe FL can tell us.

    I have started migrating some of my work to the Favorites setup- and may eventually use Layouts very sparingly.

  • Bill Cook
    Bill Cook Member Posts: 494

    I must not be doing something correctly in the Web App. I made a note from a resource. I then wanted to add a scripture reference as an anchor. I entered the ref. in the appropriate field and clicked "Add". But, it does not appear in list of anchors afterward. I have tried several times. Doesn't seem to work.

  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,377 ✭✭✭

    Bill Cook said:

    I must not be doing something correctly in the Web App. I made a note from a resource. I then wanted to add a scripture reference as an anchor. I entered the ref. in the appropriate field and clicked "Add". But, it does not appear in list of anchors afterward. I have tried several times. Doesn't seem to work.

    Did you wait for the reference you typed to populate in the drop down list and then select it or just type it and hit add?

  • Bill Cook
    Bill Cook Member Posts: 494
  • Karl Sarpalius
    Karl Sarpalius Member Posts: 21

      For those who know notes in 8, please keep writing to us.  This is a good forum but I'm still struggling in a couple of areas as I see the good and the confusing aspect of Logos 8.  

      These are two of my areas of struggle:

      1. When I write a new note I see how to tag and how to anchor, but still cannot see how to add it to a previously created notebook from Logos 7.  Let's say I write some notes on sanctification and when it's finished I know how to tag it at the bottom using the same word and how to anchor it to a reference or selected portion of scripture in my Bible, but how am I able to simply put this note in my earlier created notebook on sanctification? I've somehow been able to once in awhile get my notes to a position where I can literally drag the new note to my formerly created notebook but don't know how to get there again.  When I look at my notes by "date created" I'd think the new note I just created on sanctification would be at the top but it isn't.  Instead it's the newest note of my already created notebook on sanctification.  So I can't drag my new note to the old notebook.  Please help.

      2. Having created thousands of notes in earlier versions of Logos I'm concerned that they won't show up when I simply search my tags in Logs 8.  If I didn't tag the notes in 7 but only placed them in that sanctification notebook, how will I find them in Logos 8 without going back and using the search notebooks window? I know that for now that window is the way to get to those notes but I think I've read something in the Logos support that says Logos is doing away with the 'notebook' concept.  Am I correct?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Rob Lambert
    Rob Lambert Member Posts: 156

    Please: a video series from Logos (for free): "Using the new Notes Feature for real Dumb Dummies"      

  • PetahChristian
    PetahChristian Member Posts: 4,636 ✭✭✭

    Hi Karl, welcome to the forums.

    cannot see how to add it to a previously created notebook from Logos 7

    At the top of the note, there are some dropdowns which let you change the note icon, highlight style, and notebook. Choosing a notebook from the Set Notebook dropdown will assign that note to that notebook.

    Having created thousands of notes in earlier versions of Logos I'm concerned that they won't show up when I simply search my tags in Logs 8.  If I didn't tag the notes in 7 but only placed them in that sanctification notebook, how will I find them in Logos 8 without going back and using the search notebooks window?

    You can bulk-tag notes by selecting multiple notes (e.g., click on first note, then shift-click on last note), then applying a tag to all of them.

    Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!

  • Karl Sarpalius
    Karl Sarpalius Member Posts: 21

    Please don't give up on me.  I've attempted to use the drop down (as you suggested) and typing in the name of the notebook I want this note in, i.e. "sanctification."  But when I then go, on the far left panel to my sanctification notebook (previously made in Logos 7) I do not see the new note I've attempted to add, nor do I see that it shows to now have 22 notes instead of the 21 made while using Logos 7.  In addition (in the middle column) where I can view notes by 'date created' the new note does not appear there either.  I'm still not doing something right.  Here's a screen shot.  As mentioned earlier in the process of learning the new way of using notes I was once able to somehow get a freshly made note into the center column of the three in the screen shot and was then able to drag it to the desired notebook on the left.  But I don't know how I got that to happen.  If I could, I'd just use that method but I can't get my newest note to appear in that center column as I use the dropdown of 'view by date created.'

  • PetahChristian
    PetahChristian Member Posts: 4,636 ✭✭✭

    Please don't give up on me.  I've attempted to use the drop down (as you suggested) and typing in the name of the notebook I want this note in, i.e. "sanctification."  But when I then go, on the far left panel to my sanctification notebook (previously made in Logos 7) I do not see the new note I've attempted to add, nor do I see that it shows to now have 22 notes instead of the 21 made while using Logos 7.

    Karl, I have not been able to reproduce that problem. When I assign a note to a notebook, the number of notes immediately increases by one (regardless of any filtering in effect).

    What I would suggest is creating a new bug report thread, titled Bug:, followed by a description of this issue. You should also include log files, so a technician can track down the reason for this issue.

    Here are instructions for Windows and Mac, in case you are unfamiliar with enabling logging and posting log files.

    In addition (in the middle column) where I can view notes by 'date created' the new note does not appear there either.

    Since the number of notes isn't changing, this second issue probably is related to the first issue. If we can get the notebook assignment issue figured out, that might resolve the note appearing in the middle column.

    I notice that you are also filtering your notes by the "sanctification" tag, but the note you're moving isn't tagged with sanctification. That may be part of the issue (as your notebook contains 21 notes, but only 10 match the filter).

    If you apply the tag to that note, does it now appear in the middle column? Alternately, if you remove that tag from the filter (by clicking the x to the left of it), does that make the note appear?

    Thanks to FL for including Carta and a Hebrew audio bible in Logos 9!

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,001

    But when I then go, on the far left panel to my sanctification notebook (previously made in Logos 7) I do not see the new note I've attempted to add, nor do I see that it shows to now have 22 notes instead of the 21 made while using Logos 7. 

    Your screenshot shows that you're filtering by Tags: sanctification and Notebook: sanctification. My guess is that the note you just moved (to the sanctification notebook) isn't tagged sanctification, so it doesn't show up. Trying clearing the tag filter.