Mobile Ed Subscription Update (Q2 2019)

From April 1 - June 30, enjoy access to over 50 hours of Mobile Ed for the low price of $49.99 per month! Enjoy full access to 9 Mobile Ed courses from Douglass Moo, Michael Allen, and more! Here is the full list of courses:
Mobile Ed: NT156 The Significance of the Resurrection (2 hour course)
Mobile Ed: NT366 Book Study: Letter of 1 Peter (3 hour course)
Mobile Ed: CH321 History and Theology of John Calvin (4 hour course)
Mobile Ed: Perspectives on Paul: Reformation and the New Perspective (7 hour course)
Mobile Ed: OT308 Book Study: Leviticus (12 hour course)
Mobile Ed: TH331 Perspectives on Creation: Five Views on Its Meaning and Significance (5 hour course)
Mobile Ed: PD151 Do This Not That to Transform Your Marriage (4 hour course)
Mobile Ed: LD201 Leading Teams and Groups in Ministry (11 hour course)
Mobile Ed: MI211 Ministry in Multiethnic Contexts (5 hour course)
As we say farewell to the courses featured in the Mobile Ed Individual Subscription from January - March, we would like to extend a 30% discount on all courses that are being retired from the subscription.
This exclusive 30% discount is for anyone with a Mobile Ed Subscription.
Use discount code: mobileedsubscription to save 30% off the following courses:
AP101 Introducing Apologetics
BI101 Introducing Biblical Interpretation: Contexts and Resources
CH102 Introducing Church History II: Reformation to Postmodernism
CO105 Introducing Christian Counseling: A Worldview Approach
NT305 New Testament Theology
NT311 The World of Jesus and the Gospels
OT101 Introducing Old Testament: Its Structure and Story
OT355 Book Study: Isaiah
Hurry! The 30% discount ends on April 31, 2019. Don't miss your chance to own any or all of the courses!
Don’t have a Mobile Ed Subscription? Check it out here.
Follow the Mobile Ed Lecture Hall for Mobile Ed Subscription content updates, giveaways, and exclusive discounts on courses featured in the Mobile Ed Subscription.