Bug with BI 161

In BI 161 - Problems in Bible Interpretation I - Difficult Passages 1, under Unit 3 The Bridegroom of Blood, in the Courses Tool, the Unit does not show up correctly at all. In the other Units, there is a drop down triangle indicating that there are multiple segments underneath. However, in this Unit, that is not the case at all. The Courses tool takes you to the Unit, but then lists everything as continuous scroll. So all you can see is one of the videos in the entire Unit. If I want to see the others, I have to open up the separate courseware media in the library to watch the other videos. Also, the video that is shown goes with Segment 15, while the first Segment in the Unit is Segment 11. So, this is not correct at all. (This also means that progress in the course is not going to be accurately tracked, since none of the reading and none of the activities are are listed on the side under Plan Details.) Please fix this.
Another weird thing I noticed in the Courses Tool is that this course shows up under Completed, under Started, and under Available. I clicked on the one that said Completed for BI161, and I clearly did not complete that course. It is not even a quarter of the way completed, but is for some reason listed there. Is there a reason for this?
If I click on the one under Available, I can created a second one under Started. Is there a reason for this?