Teleprompter and Mobile Ed

Do Mobile Ed instructors use a teleprompter or do they record as they go and then their content gets transcribed?
Both! Our speakers do have a teleprompter that they are looking at while they record, but we also get their recorded content transcribed. Speakers vary on how much text they have displayed on the teleprompter. Most of them have slides with just their main bullet points or an outline of what they what to cover with only quotes written out.
Some do have everything scripted out for the teleprompter, but we still get their content transcribed. Even when people have things scripted out they may rephrase things or skip or add something on the fly, and we want out transcripts to accurately convey what they speaker actually, not just want they planned to say. We also have a team of editors and proofreaders that work on the transcripts to ensure that they are accurate and conform to our editorial style guide.