Why Almost No Mobile Interlinear Support for the Vulgate

DMB Member Posts: 14,151 ✭✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

I'm not Catholic, so I feel like I'm in the wrong forum. I'd assume some Vulgate interest here.

But today, I wanted to see how latin would translate some OT passages. I have four (yes, 4) Vulgate interlinears (the Vulgate is one of the best multi-language platforms in Logos).

First, only one of the four even shows up in my mobile library. That was a surprise.

Second, loading the only one (Latin>English) caused an error, along the lines 'we don't do that!'

Third, when it finally did load, all it could do was the latin (surface). The other line choices are grey'd out. I guess indeed, it doesn't 'do that'.

Which surprises me. In another mobile panel, I have a rootin' tootin' high-fullutin' NA27-GRAMCORD (upper-case, no less!).

Is latin so foreign??

(latest ios; ipad; latest Logos app, though same for Noet)


Maybe my complaint was precipitous.

1. I thought a mobile lookup on a latin word (terra), would happily lead me to my new (downloaded) Latin Etymological volume. Nope.

2. A copying of said latin word yields: 'Genesis 1:2 (Vulgate): Terra'. Well, that explains that!

3. But editing to 'terra' does appear in the Etymo volume. But the mobile app really, really doesn't want to show latin headwords at the top ... page number! Gosh darn it.

In other words, I doubt FL mobile really knows much about this whole area of 'latin'

"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.
