Frustrated former Wordsearch Customer



  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,863 ✭✭✭

    And if the past has already been addressed, I mourn my beloved Dbase and the times when we still had to calculate the excesses of a line break and the associated control character with a line ruler.Wink

    Dbase!!!! Yep... remember it well.... wonder what language Logos is in ????

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Hamilton Ramos
    Hamilton Ramos Member Posts: 1,033

    Good analogy xnman.

    I have noticed that most good computer programs have dedicated resources to learn power tips, power workflows, etc.

    One idea that comes to mind is to make a resource that is a guide on how to leverage Logos according to area.

    Biblical studies: what is statistically significant as far as most features and reference works for it.

    Comparative religion: same

    Historical inquiry, including Church fathers, patristics, judaica, etc.

    Original language: could be divided in learning, studying, applying, exegesis, etc.

    Systematic theology: features that allow such study. Example a rough outline of key issues / doctrines through time, and who proposed it, controversies in time, and historical development, etc.

    Biblical theology: suggested main themes through time, and if such had relation with the issues at large in society and culture in general.

    Practical theology: neat tips on application like: 

    Apologetics, heresies, power abuse prevention and intervention

    Moral theology / christian ethics.

    Spirituality: different definitions and practices per tradition, denomination and through time.

    Evangelism / missions / church planting:  videos, fav resources, links to key revivals in history, etc.

    Bible study : methods (inductive, deductive, abductive, etc.) , resources to particular books in the Bible,  lessons n study guides, etc.

    Discipleship: definition and key elements per tradition, then a rough curriculum per each denomination and rough rationale of why such.

    Stewardship: 14 rough areas, resources, etc.

    Real life living: helping redeem flawed areas of culture, communities, institutions, and individual lives (esp. our own), etc.

    Philosophy and worldview: Christian Biblical worldview as most coherent construct yet, things that really matter, use of philosophy in theology, 

    Care, ministry, counseling from Biblical viewpoint to non mental health probs / issues.

    Christian pedagogy.

    Community, work, sports or other chaplaincy.

    And then put it all in some sort of visual index to have easy access to key information.

    Hope the above clarifies the idea of the need for better guidance for newbies, and seasoned that maybe want to study other areas, or other traditions point of view on something.

    Peace and grace.