On Sale: "52 weeks..." Reading Plan books

NB.Mick MVP Posts: 15,972
edited November 20 in Resources Forum

I saw today that James Merritt's "52 weeks" books are on sale for $2.99 elsewhere - and on ebooks.faithlife.com as well ! Thanks Faithlife and thanks Harvest House Publishers!

I already owned one (Jesus) and now bought the other two (the Bible and Psalms). 

The idea of the books is to make readers "fall in love with the bible" - thus, in order not to overburden people, Merritt won't go for five chapters a day, but for five selected biblical readings per week, that he chose to go around a weekly biblical topic he explains in the book. I find the idea interesting (and the plan looks "do-able" for myself) - but I also saw a technical challenge in building such a plan in Logos. See my other thread for links to the Reading Plans I made: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/197698/1145405.aspx#1145405 

I'm so glad for helpful books on ebooks.faithlife.com, even more so when they are actually available for me as an international customer and especially when publishers' sales apply to the FL ebooks! Thanks again! 

Have joy in the Lord! Smile

