A few courses I'd like to see

1. How to do pastoral visitation any other main responsibility maybe “The Life and Duties of a Pastor” (or The Office and Responsibilities of the Pastor)
2. How to get to the mission field (a-a)
3. Effectual prayer
4. How to catechize the young
5. The reasons to homeschool
6. The Church year and the lectionary
7. The attraction of the ancient-faith movement
8. The liturgy in the postmodern world.
9. Engagement of Christians and the church in the world
10. The psalms and heart self-expression
10. Early Church Fathers - Their importance and Relevance Today
11. Lament in the Bible
12. How to do Church Planting (from a-z)
13. Midweek meetings, small groups, and cell churches
14. EDM and DBS (Exponential Disciple Making + Discovery Bible Studies)
15. Campus Ministry
16. Language and Culture Learning Cross-Culturally
17. Catechism and Confirmation of the Young and Youth”
18. Three Types of Seminaries and apologists for Each
19. Cross Cultural Ministry in the City
20. Catechisms Compared (Reformed, Lutheran, Catholic)
21. The World, the Flesh, and the Devil and Holy Living
22. The Mishnah
Also Rolf Jacobson (NICOT Psalms) would be good, and he comes from a lectionary background, so a double plus.