Mobile Ed "Exam Copy" for Professors

It would be useful if Mobile Ed could provide an "Exam Copy" type service for professors wishing to evaluate Mobile Ed courses, with a couple of differences.
For example, if a professor is teaching a course on Eschatology and is covering the millennial views, the professor will have his personal millennial view. He may want to incorporate professors with differing millennial views into his course so students can hear directly from a range of professors espousing their own millennial views (not just reading them in a textbook).
The professor may wish to evaluate which Mobile Ed courses offer such videos and see which Mobile Ed courses he wishes to integrate into his course.
Faithlife could then provide "exam copies" of such courses to the professor, maybe possibly a limited evaluation trial of the Mobile Ed course (maybe a free 30 day trial), in which afterward the professor then then purchase a site-license subscription to the course or courses he chooses to incorporate into his course that would be available to him and his students (once he has the registration he could specify to Logos the number of students, he could purchase the correct site license subscription for the students) for the duration of the course.
Plus Faithlife could assist with generating links to the videos that could either open in Logos, the Logos/Courses web app, or Faithlife TV, seamlessly allowing students to jump from the professor's lectures to the videos from other professors.
Dr. Nathan Parker