Kobo for Reading Logos books?

David R. Bess
David R. Bess Member Posts: 87 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

I was disappointed to see the end of export ability from Logos to Kindle.  Is it possible to export from Logos to Kobo?  I'd love to be able to export easily from Logos to an e-reader.



  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,521

    Is it possible to export from Logos to Kobo?

    Logos does not have any "export to other device" feature. The "send to kindle" feature was something that Amazon supported, but rules changes on their part killed the feature in Logos. If your desire is to read your logos resources on an e-ink reader, you have two primary options: 

    1. Purchase an Android e-ink reader and install the mobile app. (You should seek input from users before doing so.)
    2. Export the resources by "printing" to a Microsoft Word (.docx) file format and then manually importing them to your e-ink device. Amazon did not fully kill the "send to kindle" feature. You can email files to your device and read them. 

    The first option is costly, and android presents compatibility issues, but is perhaps the best solution. The second item can be time consuming (but not necessarily too bad...) and you won't have any notes, highlights coming back into your Logos installation. 

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  • Bernhard
    Bernhard Member Posts: 706 ✭✭✭

    Export the resources by "printing" to a Microsoft Word (.docx) file format and then manually importing them to your e-ink device.

    Read here: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/124007.aspx and here: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/123765/808702.aspx#808702 for some pointers how to do this. Obviously, the "Send to Kindle" won't work for you, but if your Kobo can read directly Word format, you might be able to just upload it. Otherwise go the Calibre route and use that program to convert the Word file to Epub. There might be other ways to get from Word Docx-format to Kobo.