Search for compound Greek verbs that begin with with συν·

I am trying to figure out how to find all instances of compound verbs that are built on any root verb with the preposition συν- as a prefix.
These verbs are very important for the Apostle Paul's theology of the results of our union with Christ. Some examples include:
- Believers have been crucified with (συσταυρόω) Christ (Romans 6:6)
- Believers have been made alive with (συζωοποιέω) Christ (Ephesians 2:5)
- Believers have been raised up with (συνεγείρω) Christ (Ephesians 2:6)
- Believers have been seated with (συγκαθίζω) Christ in the heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6)
- and many more...
I don't think I can do a root search, since these verbs do not include the συν- root in the context menu.
Here is what I have done using a morphological search on the NA28 Greek New Testament:
This works quite well, although it finds some noise, since some verbs begin with συ- but they are not compound verbs. I cannot search for συν*, because this type of verb can have συν- or συγ- or simply συ-, depending on how the συν preposition contracts with the first letter of the root verb.
Can anyone think of a more efficient or more precise way to do this type of search?
Harry Hahne said:
Can anyone think of a more efficient or more precise way to do this type of search?
I think @V INTERSECTS συ* is as good as one can get. The 120 results in Pauline Epistles all appear to be compound
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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The only thing wrong with this search is that it won't find any aorist or imperfect tense verbs, because these tenses have an epsilon augment as a prefix on the verb.
Is there any way I can use wildcards in a lemma search? I want to find all lemmas that begin with συ-, rather than the inflected form as it appears in the Greek New Testament It does not seem possible to search for lemma:συν* or συν*@V.
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Harry Hahne said:
The only thing wrong with this search is that it won't find any aorist or imperfect tense verbs
@V INTERSECTS συ* does! 202 aorist and 30 imperfect
lemma:συν*@V finds 117 aorist and 14 imperfect that overlap with the first search.
These queries will only work in Morph Search.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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This MO works pretty well too: lemma:συν* OR lemma:συγ* OR lemma:συζ*
Ha! I see Dave's post now, and he's already said this (better)
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Dave Hooton said:
I see that now. I was working on this at 3:00 AM last night, so I wasn't seeing clearly.
Thanks, Dave.
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Spoke too soon. What am I doing wrong here?
I am doing a Morph search on NA28 Greek New Testament. When I search for lemma:απ*@V, I get no results. Interestingly the pick list offers around 30 verbs that meet the criterion, but the search produces no results. I took the successful search for lemma:συ* and changed it to lemma:απ* and nothing was found.
A wildcard search for απ* works fine. But if I change the search to lemma:απ* or lemma:απ*@V, the search fails.
I am sure the problem is a user error, rather than a bug, but I cannot see what is going on. Please help my aging eyes to see my mistake!
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Harry Hahne said:
I am doing a Morph search on NA28 Greek New Testament. When I search for lemma:απ*@V, I get no results. Interestingly the pick list offers around 30 verbs that meet the criterion, but the search produces no results. I took the successful search for lemma:συ* and changed it to lemma:απ* and nothing was found.
I figured it out. A wildcard search for words that begin with a vowel must have a breathing mark. So the search lemma:ἀπ*@V works, but απ*@V does not work. Wildcard searches on roots do not need a breathing mark, but wildcard searches on lemmas require the breathing mark.
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Brian W. Davidson said:
I think you just need a smooth breathing mark on that alpha.
Yeah. I was typing this while you were. Thanks!