Bi205 Resource Issues

I selected Bi205 Old Testament Exegesis as my free course when i purchased Logos 10 Gold today.
My normal procedure when getting a new Mobile Ed course is to open the course in the Courses Tool and then scroll down through all the recommended resources to see which ones i might need to purchase. BTW, wouldn't it be fantastic if whenever you purchased a new course, Logos would automatically send you a list of any resources you don't own that the course uses? Or better yet, set up a wish list in your account using the course name, since that is what i do by hand after each course purchase.
Anyway, the purpose of this post is to let forum users know that several of the resources needed for this course (Bi205) have serious issues. These are Lexham resources, and i spent about 45 minutes on the phone with support this morning and they don't know what the problem is but are looking into it.
I suspect that the problem is that the course links to resources which Lexham/Faithlife/Logos have merged into other bundled more complete resources which they now sell and that the links have not been updated in the course to point to the new Lexham resource but still point to the old resource which no longer exists.
The resources i have this issue with are:
The Lexham Discourse Hebrew Bible (LLS:LDHB). According to I own the Lexham Discourse Bible and the Lexham Discourse Hebrew Old Testament Datasets. The. Lexha, Discoourse Hebrew Bible is not available for purchase at If this were a third party resource, i'd assume that Logos just no longer had rights to sell the resource, but this is a Lexham resource.
The Lexham High Definition Old Testament: ESV Edition (LLS:LHDOT) and the Lexham High Definition Old Testament: Introduction (LLS:LHDOTINTRO). Searches on yield no results for these resources.
Has anyone else run into this problem. Does anyone have any insight on whether my suppositions are correct or of a way to resolve the problem?
John Kaess said:
The Lexham High Definition Old Testament: ESV Edition (LLS:LHDOT) and the Lexham High Definition Old Testament: Introduction (LLS:LHDOTINTRO). Searches on yield no results for these resources.
LLS:LHDOT is here: but not available for purchase, the Intro is and would be available through a Verbum Cloud subscription (as is LLS:LDHB)
I own the course (haven't taken it, though) but neither of those resources - my understanding would be that the discourse features in those resources are now available elsewhere. Since you said you own the dataset, check the VF menu if you can make your ESV look the same as the sample pages from LHDOT, maybe you won't need the resource.
Have joy in the Lord!