New Beta Feature: Insights Panel on Mobile

Ali Pope
Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

The Insights Panel brings the most important related books and passages right into your Bible, making them accessible in just a single tap. You can access the Insights Panel by selecting a word or verse, or tapping on the new Insights button. 

The Insights Panel helps you use Scripture to interpret Scripture and better understand its context. This can, for example, provide background information on Jewish weddings when reading John 2:1-12 or show that 1 Peter 2:25 alludes to Isaiah 53:6.

We would love to hear your thoughts this new feature while it's in beta for the next ~6 weeks

If you haven’t already, you’ll need to join the beta mobile app to access the Insights Panel in beta. Once the beta period is over, it will be available in the Logos Pro (early access) subscription.

Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager



  • Morgan
    Morgan Member Posts: 496 ✭✭✭

    I prefer the old behavior of tapping anywhere outside of the context menu to get it to close rather than hunting for the X. Second, I would rather have the Related Books open in a new tab rather than the weird summary box pop up.

    I do like how when I have word info selected I can cycle through different words and it remembers my choice when I close and reopen the menu.

  • Mark
    Mark Member Posts: 2,662 ✭✭✭

    Please allow us to click on the picture icon to be taken to the resource in a separate window

  • Sam Shelton
    Sam Shelton Member Posts: 339 ✭✭

    It's a busy day so I don't have a lot of time right now to give an in-depth look at it, but after a quick glance, I have to say that I really, really like it! I will try to give it a better look this evening.

    Above all these things, walk in love, which is the bond of perfection. - Colossians 3:14 

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,899 ✭✭✭

    I like it! I think it is a great enhancement! Thanks!

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Sam Shelton
    Sam Shelton Member Posts: 339 ✭✭


    I think that these updates will lend themselves very well to devotion book use and group Bible study, particularly with my Android tablet.

    For example, one could open up a devotion and Bible in a double pane layout. Selecting “Insight” opens up a panel. Within this panel, one would find the traditional choices such as highlight choices, copy, notes, etc.

    Also available are “Related Books,” “Related Passages,” “Notes & Highlights,” and “Factbook.” These open the “Insights” panel to the following:

    I am quite excited about this update.

    Above all these things, walk in love, which is the bond of perfection. - Colossians 3:14 

  • Robert Kelbe
    Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 631 ✭✭✭

    I am sorry to be negative about this change (really!)... Hopefully, there can be some solution where everyone is pleased.

    I am ambivalent about the new Insights sidebar, since I don't have to have it open. What I don't like is how the old selection menu has changed! I think you could keep the insights sidebar without changing the popup menu, and I suspect I won't be alone in wanting this... 

    I liked the previous selection popup menu because it showed me everything at once. Notes and highlights, word info cards, etc. Granted, I kept suggesting that Word Info Cards be moved to the top when the selection was a single word. That was all you had to do to make it perfect!

    The new menu makes everything more difficult and take more taps to get what I want. I can't see the word info right away; I have to tap "word info". I can't see my notes and highlights right away; I have to tap "notes and highlights". Worse, from a UI perspective, I don't actually know if I have any notes and highlights until I tap it!

    There was no need to put Factbook as its own line. It already had a home in the list of icons at the top of the selection menu.

    My feedback, which I expect others will echo, is that I would prefer to keep the old selection menu (but prioritize word info cards!), and just have the insights sidebar be its own thing. 

  • Robert Kelbe
    Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 631 ✭✭✭

    Also, I would like the normal pop-up menu to close after applying a highlight...

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,075

    My feedback, which I expect others will echo, is that I would prefer to keep the old selection menu (but prioritize word info cards!), and just have the insights sidebar be its own thing. 

    I will admit, and have commented, that I think the new layout is much better and cleaner!

    I like that common information is grouped together and I can choose to access the type of information I am interested in without having to navigate around other sets of information.

  • Sam Shelton
    Sam Shelton Member Posts: 339 ✭✭

    If you long-click on a word instead of opening “Insights,” you get a pop-up that's very similar to the old pop-up.

    Above all these things, walk in love, which is the bond of perfection. - Colossians 3:14 

  • Robert Kelbe
    Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 631 ✭✭✭

    If you long-click on a word instead of opening “Insights,” you get a pop-up that's very similar to the old pop-up.

     If you are replying to me, yes, that looks similar to the old selection menu, but with the drawbacks I mentioned (it takes additional taps to get to the information that you want to see)…

  • Anderson Abreu
    Anderson Abreu Member Posts: 559 ✭✭✭

    I like the fact that it has buttons to navigate backwards and forwards. This is especially useful when I need to navigate in the auto-translator tool.

    The navigation buttons are more precise when browsing Bible verses, but when browsing other books, for example the ESV Study Bible, it doesn't always understand the end point correctly, as in the example in the image where the "Gk." point was understood as the end of the clause.

    I think it would also be good if there was an option to choose to browse a larger portion of text, for example, paragraphs (of the Bible or books) rather than just verses or clauses. Probably in the case of books, an option to browse through, for example, 4 clauses instead of just one would be very useful, especially in the auto-translator.

    I still miss having more space in the auto-translator box instead of having to click on "Open" to go to another full-screen window. Unless this new full-screen window contained the original text, the translation and the buttons to navigate more quickly through the larger portions of the text. That would be great for those who rely on the translator.


    "... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)

  • Jonathan Sheehy
    Jonathan Sheehy Member Posts: 34 ✭✭

    Having taken it for a bit of a spin a couple of times now, I'm seeing the 'pains' of this new 'feature', but not really seeing the 'gains'. 

    Some of the pains have have already been mentioned in this thread:

    • It takes more taps now to get where I wanted to go, since content is now a menu level deeper. This is actually a big deal to me from a UX perspective.
    • Critically, that top menu gives no visual indication of whether there's even contact to be had: I may just be wasting time tapping in. I assume this will be changed in future iterations, because it certainly can't stay this way. It's just a lucky dip as to whether there's content at the end of the tap. 'Related Passages' generally gave me nothing. I have no idea why. (Surely my library of well over 1,000 resources is big enough.)
    • There are other UI niggles, including leaving this new thing on screen, which gives quick access to something I now know I don't even want.

    In 'Related Books', I get to pick one of my Study Bibles, and one of my commentaries. That's it. I'm underwhelmed. Logos already has ways for me to have a favourite Study Bible or commentary handy. I think this implementation seems to add not much, but at the cost of hurting the existing text selection functionality.

    So in summary, yeah, I'm a little bit lost as to what GAINS this feature is supposed to bring. I'm just seeing the PAINS of its interference with previous functionality.

  • Sam Shelton
    Sam Shelton Member Posts: 339 ✭✭

    It takes more taps now to get where I wanted to go, since content is now a menu level deeper. This is actually a big deal to me from a UX perspective.

    I agree that for some things there may be an extra tap to get to the information, but for many things, there was already a need for an extra tap. Take for instance the information behind the “gray boxes.” Now, as in past versions, that takes an extra tap. I do not see this to be much different than tapping on the items below the gray boxes. I do find the list below the gray boxes to be more orderly, and easily understood.


    Critically, that top menu gives no visual indication of whether there's even contact to be had: I may just be wasting time tapping in. I assume this will be changed in future iterations, because it certainly can't stay this way. It's just a lucky dip as to whether there's content at the end of the tap. 'Related Passages' generally gave me nothing. I have no idea why. (Surely my library of well over 1,000 resources is big enough.)

    I agree that this is an issue. I am hopeful that future versions will have either grayed out areas for selections that aren't available or even removing the selection from the popup. I am also hopeful that future versions are able to use more resources for such things as related passages.


    There are other UI niggles, including leaving this new thing on screen, which gives quick access to something I now know I don't even want.

    I'm not 100% sure what you mean here.


    In 'Related Books', I get to pick one of my Study Bibles, and one of my commentaries. That's it. I'm underwhelmed. Logos already has ways for me to have a favourite Study Bible or commentary handy. I think this implementation seems to add not much, but at the cost of hurting the existing text selection functionality.

    I also agree that this is a little lightweight for heavy study. I likely would not use it for heavy studies — I usually do that on my desktop. Where I find that this might be very helpful in the future is for light reading and for group study. I am very excited about the prospect of using it to aid my students in jumping in to using Logos.


    So in summary, yeah, I'm a little bit lost as to what GAINS this feature is supposed to bring. I'm just seeing the PAINS of its interference with previous functionality.

    While I might not see great gains, I do see good gains (and hope for even better gains in the future). I definitely see this as something that will be helpful for those who need a simple study tool, and yet beneficial for those of us who are more in depth in our study.

    My hope in the future is for an easy way to share layouts with others so that I can use this type of tool in group study.

    Above all these things, walk in love, which is the bond of perfection. - Colossians 3:14 

  • James Fowlie
    James Fowlie Member Posts: 36 ✭✭

    I spend too much time thing to get the panel out of the way when highlighting and find the current implementation more than a little frustrating. 

    It needs to be smaller and it needs to disappear when moving selection markers.

    If it remains as-is, I would prefer a switch in settings to turn off Insights altogether. I really don't find it any help and am not using it.

  • Ali Pope
    Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

    If it remains as-is, I would prefer a switch in settings to turn off Insights altogether. I really don't find it any help and am not using it.

    Thank you for your feedback. Once the v34 beta cycle is over, Insights on mobile will only be available to Logos Pro subscribers. So, if you are not a subscriber, you will see the old selection menu. 

    Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager

  • Paul Gibson
    Paul Gibson Member Posts: 129 ✭✭✭

    Ali Pope said:

    The Insights Panel brings the most important related books and passages right into your Bible, making them accessible in just a single tap. You can access the Insights Panel by selecting a word or verse, or tapping on the new Insights button. 

    I'm definitely not a fan, yet. I think it's better organized than the old version, but it doesn't use screen space efficiently. I use it on a 10“ Android tablet; I haven't tried it on a phone. When I select a word or verse, the Insights panel is too small; the selected word or verse reference always covers up the Factbook line, which requires me to scroll to get to the Factbook. If I pin Insights to the right side of the screen (I'd prefer it on the bottom), then a lot of screen space is wasted. I think I like the direction this is moving, but I feel it needs more work. Instead of showing the selected verse or word with previous and next buttons at the bottom of the panel, maybe move the previous and next buttons to the top of the panel and put them on the same line as the Verse and Word buttons. Since the selected verse or word is viable above the Insights panel, I'm not sure it's necessary to put it at the bottom of the Insights panel, too.


  • James Fowlie
    James Fowlie Member Posts: 36 ✭✭

    Thanks for the information. I was planning to subscribe. However, since I do a lot of highlighting and this feature is taking up more than 1/3rd of my screen, I might wait on the subscription. I'm just finding it too intrusive at the moment.



  • Ali Pope
    Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

    If I pin Insights to the right side of the screen (I'd prefer it on the bottom), then a lot of screen space is wasted

    You can put the Insights Panel on the bottom by opening up a two column layout.

    Thank you for all of your feedback. As with everyone's feedback, we will consider it for future improvements. Please continue to provide feedback as you have it [:)]

    Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager

  • Paul Gibson
    Paul Gibson Member Posts: 129 ✭✭✭

    Ali Pope said:

    If I pin Insights to the right side of the screen (I'd prefer it on the bottom), then a lot of screen space is wasted

    You can put the Insights Panel on the bottom by opening up a two column layout.

    I have two 10“ Android 11 tablets: a rather expensive and cheap one. I normally use the expensive one, and when I tried the two column layout I still couldn't get the Insights panel on the bottom. The cheap tablet did show Insights at the bottom. I think the expensive one has a higher resolution screen than the cheap one, I'm wondering if it has something to do with that. 


  • James Fowlie
    James Fowlie Member Posts: 36 ✭✭

    Thanks, Ali. A couple of the issues I was having already seem to have been cleaned up, so it's much easier to get out of the way when I don't want it, and keep it handy when it is

    Thanks again!

  • Mark Smith
    Mark Smith MVP Posts: 11,818

    I discovered this through use rather than on the Forums and was pleasantly surprised to see it. I like it.

    On my iPhone it pops up at the bottom of the screen in the same space that the old additional actions menu appeared so no change or problem with that. 

    On my iPad it pops up over the text in multi-column format or on the right in single column format. I'd prefer it open on the bottom as on the iPhone for consistency's sake.

    Pastor, North Park Baptist Church

    Bridgeport, CT USA

  • Ali Pope
    Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

    Thank you for your feedback, Mark!

    I'd prefer it open on the bottom as on the iPhone for consistency's sake.

    You're not the first one to request this. I've added it to our list of considerations for future improvements, but, for now, you can get the Insights Panel to show at the bottom of the screen in a two column layout. 

    Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager

  • Daniel Rieger
    Daniel Rieger Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    Hi Ali,

    as I discussed with Graham in this post, I only want to show the word info on my iPad in a separate window, not as a popup. 

    Do I need to subscribe as a Logos pro user for this functionality? 

    Can I expect to get this functionality without the pro subscription?

    Thank you and God bless you, Daniel

  • Ali Pope
    Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

    Do I need to subscribe as a Logos pro user for this functionality? 

    This functionality is only available for Logos Pro (early access) right now and, as of right now, it will not be available for users without a subscription in the future.

    Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager

  • Daniel Rieger
    Daniel Rieger Member Posts: 151 ✭✭

    Understood. Thank you Ali. Not what I want to hear and again an issue for the general perspective of the mobile/tablet version from logos. If the mobile version would have similar functionality than the desktop version, I would even think of a subscription. But not with the current implementation. 
    So I will mainly use Logos for Bible reading and do other contents in other apps. 

    Thank you and God bless you, Daniel

  • James Clark
    James Clark Member Posts: 65 ✭✭

    is this a logos pro tool that is in beta? I am not a logos pro user and I am a beta tester, love the new citation tool by the way, but I am not seeing this insites tool when I select text or a passage. iphone, and a voiceover user. 

  • Ali Pope
    Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

    is this a logos pro tool that is in beta?

    This is a Logos Pro Subscription feature, however, it is no longer in beta. It was released to the stable app for subscription-users only. Once we release a subscription-only feature to the stable app, it gets removed from the beta testing. 

    Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager