PB First Principles - Herbert Spencer

Buck McDaniel
Buck McDaniel Member Posts: 28 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

This is a secular academic (I believe), paper. I'm uploading for philosophy and apologetics students to use. Spencer says the three requirements for the universe are time, space and matter. Apologists have compared his statement to Genesis and point out the time, space, and matter in the creation. I believe this paper will allow Logos to generate the proper bibliography for students who quote or reference it.

7573.First Principles - Herbert Spencer.zip

The .txt file has all the field entries you can copy and paste into the book builder. The .jpg is obviously the cover, the .pdf is the original document, and the .docx is the document to add to your book builder.

It took me less than one minute to add this book to my personal books.

As best I can tell, this is the first chapter of Spencer's work, First Principles of Psychology which was published later. Depending on the source, the date of chapter 1 was either 1855 or 1862. More often, I see 1862 so I used it. The PDF is 455 pages of text. I don't have page numbers and I don't know how many it will be in Logos. I tried increasing the spacing between lines in the .docx document, but the book builder compressed them together again.

Here is a copy of text with credit. I think I'm set up for APA 7


Religion can take no cognizance of special scientific doctrines; any more than Science can take cognizance of special religious doctrines. The truth which Science asserts and Religion indorses cannot be one furnished by mathematics; nor can it be a physical truth; nor can it be a truth in chemistry.

Spencer, H. (1862). First Principles. Herbert Spencer.


Someone who knows better might be able to correct my .txt file if I'm wrong.

Anyone is welcome to publish, use, share and legally edit anything in it as they wish (at their own risk, of course.)

Thank you to all who have contributed personal book content. I hope someone finds this one helpful and I hope to contribute more in the future.

Shabbat Shalom
