New Feature: Advanced Apple Pencil support

Josh Moore
Josh Moore Member Posts: 105 ✭✭✭
edited January 23 in English Suggestions

Yes, I know, iPadOS has scribble effect, but that is meant for single line input, not full feature note taking.

More importantly, the Apple Pencil could be a much more natural highlighting solution. Much like reading a book, I see using your fingers to swipe/scroll and the pen to highlight/underline. Instead of the press>hold>slide motion, the pencil would just begin highlighting on first contact.

A long press with the pencil creates a note, while a long press with a finger launches a search.

Right now the Apple Pencil is still just a glorified stylus.

136 votes

Need your opinion · Last Updated


  • Douglas McClure
    Douglas McClure Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2024
    I’d love to be able to freely mark up scripture. While highlighting is great and note taking is very useful, when teaching I’d love to be able to draw lines connecting words or thoughts, draw arrows, etc.
  • Kevin Teeling
    Kevin Teeling Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    It's frustrating that it doesn't seem to be consistent in terms of whether "highlighting" with the pen will just select the text or actually highlight it.
  • Levi Figueira
    Levi Figueira Member Posts: 9 ✭✭
    This should be merged with this other one:
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 62 ✭✭
    Hi @Josh Moore, regarding your comment "not full feature note taking", could you please describe a little more in detail what kind of additional functionality you would like to see for taking notes with Apple Pencil?
  • Josh Moore
    Josh Moore Member Posts: 105 ✭✭✭
    @David Vela (Faithlife) the link below is a good place to start.
  • Jonathan Poland
    Jonathan Poland Member Posts: 19 ✭✭
    Yes! This is a great idea! Highlighting on Logos with an iPad is frustrating as it is. This feature would be marvelous.
  • Adrian Huber
    Adrian Huber Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2024
    right now, the Apple Pencil is treated like a finger. Its not actually implemented in the functionality of the app. Id like to have features that actually make use of the Apple Pencil, to make reading on the logos app an experience that is not lacking behind even a free pdf reader. Actually studying on the app is not worth while, since annotating, circling, scribbling, all those things are not possible, or are possible but with so much friction that one actually doesn't do it. Studying the texts is better if I just screenshot them, and annotate them in a pdf reader. And that's certainly not what I want to do :(
    for reading alone the app is fine, but for actually study its not.
    There is so much potential here! please use it!

    Please excuse my direct tone, im from Germany :D
    god bless!
  • William Krewson
    William Krewson Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    Apple Pencil. As a professor I would like to use your app for my students by circling text or writing words. I think this would be a feature that many professors would use in their classroom.
  • Rich Bailey
    Rich Bailey Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    Yes indeed
  • Tom Vidal
    Tom Vidal Member Posts: 275 ✭✭
    It seems to me that the Apple Pencil has so much power to bridge the gap between flexibility of print resources and materials and the power of our digital tools. Everything related to my Christian walk, ministry, and theology goes into my Logos database. Everything. But being able to interact with Logos with the same ease and naturalness that I use to mark-up my print resources, would be idea. Enabling more fluid interaction between iPad and Logos resources would be most welcome in my view.
  • This would be a good idea
  • This would be a good idea
  • The scribble feature either quit or doesn't work in my app. it works in all of my other apps but not logos
  • My pastor also had the amazing idea that Logos should be compatible with Apple Pencil so we can write in our digital books and commentaries as we do in physical ones. The ability to highlight, underline, and take notes directly on the pages would be amazing! It would also cause us to use logos more frequently because, at the moment, We are held back by these advantages of physical books. What would it take to make happen?
  • Please add this functionality. Logos is not meant to consume media, that’s what kindle is for. Logos is meant for study and real pencil support would facilitate that. 
  • Will Butterfield
    Will Butterfield Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
    I'm bi-vocational and have to study/write when I have free moments. The iPad has dramatically enhanced my ability to do that. I love using the pencil in many other apps, and being able to "scribble" in the notes feature has been a game changer. It works until you get to the edge of the text box, and then the app freezes. I would literally use this every day if it worked well. I still use it occasionally, but after the third or fourth time I have to restart the app, I get fed up. the iPad app is such a useful tool, and in my opinion, this would take it to the next level.
  • Well, I had my hopes that Logos 10 was the solution I gladly put up my money for the upgrade because I did not read the fine print. I thought finally we could make notes right on our sermon, we could underline and circle words, highlight, etc. I was so excited but short-lived when I tried it and it would not save. Then I realized I could only "draw on the screen" only to take a screen shot and send it off. I think that is a neat thing to do but not what everyone was hoping for.  We have to be close to allowing us to "mark up" our sermon and save it right in the sermon document. Creating the sermon and using something else to mark it up just is not cutting it for most people.  Right now I used the digital ESV Bible to get my outline done marking up the text wish I could do it all in logos.  I guess I hyped myself up too much 😀
  • Yes times 8 billion. The apple pencil is being seriously underutilized. Them adding markup is a great step in the right direction, but it's so surface level. I hope they add the suggestions here and allow us to keep our markups! :)
  • Better stylus support PERIOD! But this isn't just for iOS ... don't forget the Android app (S-Pen support) AND Windows stylus (and touch) support on the desktop app.
  • dayneris210
    dayneris210 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2024
    It would be great to be able to highlight and take notes with the Apple pencil while studying in the iPad. Thanks.
  • Daniel McCoy
    Daniel McCoy Member Posts: 70 ✭✭
    One of the major drawbacks to ebooks in general is the inability to annotate. I'm considering just purchasing PDFs from Crossway and other publishers that sell them because this is how I prefer to use an ebook. I want to be able to annotate it! Logos, this would be a welcome addition and would add considerable value to your Logos editions of books. 
  • It would be nice in general to be able to add handwritten notes to things like sermons and be anchored to Bible passages.
  • This is sorely needed. Right now I end up handwriting notes in onenote and then copying the notes into Logos to link it to specific passages or sermons. 
  • Apple Pencil incorporation would be a welcome addition. While it is possible, through use of split screen or stage manager on the larger iPads, to take notes in other apps, the process is cumbersome and does not fully employ the well designed and useful resources of Logos.  Adding Apple Pencil support would greatly improve my workflow.
  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,872
    Yes please. Apple Pencil support would take ebooks in Logos to the next level!
  • I would agree that adding Apple Pencil functionally would be amazing. I'm thinking from the aspect of the ability to use it to write in notebooks. The functionality of merging written with digital would be a great asset and help with a filing system, making Logos the place to store all Bible-related content.

    Thanks, Logos team, for all you do to help us use God's word!
  • This is a no brainier. Adding enhanced Apple Pencil functionality into Logos, especially for sermon markup is definitely a step in the right direction. Let’s get’r done!
  • This is much needed and wanted. It would enhance study to the next full level.
  • Robert Kelbe
    Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 636 ✭✭✭
    I don’t fully understand… I use Apple Pencil all the time and it works perfectly. I use Scribble to handwrite directly in Notes. I use the pencil to drag and highlight, and I have my own highlighting palette for circling, underlining, starring, etc. But all of that is converted into text and highlights that are tied to specific text that I can tag and search, making it 10x more useful.

    If you are expecting to draw on the screen, what happens when the screen size is changed and all the text reflows? Accordance tried this and it looks like it would be a disaster…  Not to mention the additionally memory required to store every pixel that you draw.

    I think Logos should instead prioritize Apple Pencil drawing on the Canvas feature specifically, where text is static and will never reflow to fit a different size screen. Currently there are several ideas that suggest this. Canvas should use the built in iPad pencil/drawing toolbar and make it much smoother, allowing us to erase by stroke or by eraser.
  • Robert Kelbe
    Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 636 ✭✭✭
    @Robert Kelbe   Here is the Apple Pencil Integration with Canvas suggestion: 
  • Robert Kelbe
    Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 636 ✭✭✭
    @Robert Kelbe  Here is my highlighting palette:
  • Josh Moore
    Josh Moore Member Posts: 105 ✭✭✭
    @Robert Kelbe  I understand what you mean, and I don’t think drawing lines and circling the text would be useful. Unfortunately, the Apple Pencil is still only an extension of your finger when highlighting within a text, it does nothing that your finger doesn’t do. For example, many apps can distinguish between your finger touching the screen vs the pencil. In those apps, finger gestures are used for navigation while the pencil automatically marks the app.

    In my mind, here’s how it would work:
    - the pencil would automatically highlight with the previous pallet (not needing the press and pause). 
    - When the pencil is active , a pop up of available highlight pallets would be available at the bottom of the screen for you to select an “active” style 
    - scribble could delete a highlight 

    This would then open up the possibility of more advanced finger gestures 
    - two finger swipes would change tabs 
    - 1 finger swipes would turn the page 
    - 1 finger tap on a word , would auto generate the word study bubble 
    - 2 finger tap on a word , would generate a word search 

    The one thing the pencil can do is convert handwriting the text within the app. That’s nice, but it’s a low threshold for such an advanced device.
  • Android / S-Pen support too pls
  • Steve Bentley
    Steve Bentley Member Posts: 18 ✭✭
    I use my Apple Pencil extensively to take handwritten notes in Noteshelf 3. The tablet is not a mobile device as much as it is a touch-capable computer. It would be ideal if there could be an inking layer above the text that allowed for taking handwritten notes and highlights. 
  • @Robert Kelbe   You can already use apple pencil in canvas -- just send your canvas window to the ipad from your Mac.  Canvas will now be sitting on your ipad, and if you try drawing with the apple pencil, it will work!
  • There would probably be a lot of seminary students, particularly those who study Greek, who would be happy with this feature. Myself included, although my learning is self study.
  • Please!
  • Lee Escobar
    Lee Escobar Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
    Yes please
  • Yes, please
  • Dave Yuriar
    Dave Yuriar Member Posts: 3
    I haven’t been able to use Apple Pencil in my iPad app. I tried to find a setting to use it but don’t know what to do. I would love to be able to fully use the Apple Pencil to highlight and fingers to move the page or even pinch/zoom. 
  • Juan Frost
    Juan Frost Member Posts: 6 ✭✭
    I'm using my pencil more and more for notes, so full support would be great.
  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,386 ✭✭✭
    I would actually use the mobile app a lot more if this were incorporated.
  • Kender D. Smith
    Kender D. Smith Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
    The function of the Apple Pencil in Logos is spotty at best. It doesn’t feel natural to use. I agree with others that it is also inconsistent. I get frustrated when using the Apple Pencil while trying to take notes as it will often do things I don’t expect or intend. Of all the apps on my iPad Pro which use Apple Pencil, Logos is currently by far the worst at it. Please improve this. We need to be able to lay our palms on the screen to right naturally without that triggering or trying to trigger other functions inadvertently. I don’t want the page moving or opening up other features when I am trying to write notes or highlights. Further being able to quickly highlight, underline, and write on “book” pages without a lot of crazy steps is essential for this to be effective and useful. The Kindle App by Amazon while not perfect does an okay job with note taking using the Apple Pencil. It feels less awkward and cumbersome than Logos does currently.  Apps like Notability and Goodnotes, seem to do a better job than Logos at using Apple Pencil. I don’t want to see complex pop up menus unless absolutely necessary. A quick tap toolbar that can which can be activated in a book that interfaces with the pencil and allows for quick function changes between highlighting, drawing (free hand/scribble & geometric), underlining, etc would also be good as well as being able to customize to tap functions on the pencil to do what you want like changing between highlighter and pencil or pen modes. I would like to have the ability for the Apple Pencil to write in my logos books with different inks/pencil colors shades as well as highlighters that are not only different colors but different shades or transparencies. Having the Apple Pencil respond to varying pressure would be useful as well. If I press a little harder I get a thicker or darker line, highlight, etc.  Having these “notes” and highlights save as or in study notebooks without having to screen shot the page would be better as well. The main thing is to have the pencil feel and work more naturally without a lot of effort and steps so I can focus on the note taking and not the operation of the pencil and app. I would like to be able to put handwritten notes in the margins of my books easily with the Apple Pencil that can be turned on and off or hidden end/revealed and assigned to Study Notebooks as needed. Ease of Use. Thank you!
  • Daniel McCoy
    Daniel McCoy Member Posts: 70 ✭✭
    Any improvement would be great! Logos could be the pioneer in enhancing the ebook experience 👏🏽
  • it would be nice to be able to use the new squeeze function on the Apple Pencil Pro to access the menu of highlighting and markup features.  I frequently use different markup items and it’s a little more difficult to use them on the iPad.