No Lyric Scrolling on Title Slide

Erik Gibson
Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
I love this lyric scrolling feature! My ask is that you don't allow the lyrics to appear on the Title Slide. It's too busy and distracting, especially if you're trying to display the song credits underneath the title. But thank you for this feature. I've been trying to get our video people to transition to the next slide as we sing the last line so the congregation can see what comes next, but it never quite sunk in. This solves that problem.
Good suggestion. This can be improvised by adding a couple of blank slides after the Title slide. Then click the first lyric slide (rather than progress with arrow or next keys) after the Title has displayed and avoid showing the two blank slides, which display parts of the first lyric slide.1
I love the lyric scrolling feature too, but also agree that it is definitely not very appealing on the Title Slide, especially with certain title page formats, such as copyright info shown on the title page.
My suggestion is to give us an option under the new Lyric Scrolling transition that would allow us to select ✅ "Do Not Show Scrolling Lyrics on Title Slides".
I'm not a fan of adding blank slides after the title slide for a workaround because this only encourages the first lyric slide to be shown late. With that being said , while the Scrolling Lyric feature makes sure the first lyric slide is not late , I prefer late lyrics over the unsightliness of the Title Slide showing a preview of the next slide.
Nice new features! Thanks Proclaim!1 -
Yes! Love the scrolling lyrics - except for the Title slide. We the title slide to be clean.0
I like what I see from Proclaim 4, especially the new lyric scrolling feature! One request, however: do you think we can have an option to turn off scrolling on the title slide? The previewed text looks odd under the Copyright text at the bottom of the screen.1
Oh.... also...No Scrolling Preview on both Title Slides AND on Blank Slides in songs.
We used the scrolling feature last week on a few slides and it went well, when the operator remembered to skip the first blank slide after the title slide.
However, we also insert blank slides between lyrics during instrumental song sections, and insert scripture into text boxes on those blank slides... the problem is that the preview lyrics display on the blank slide too, overlaying the Scripture text.
So... a sweet feature would be to be able to turn off the preview on both Title Slides and Blank Slides. Thanks Proclaim team, you're doing a great job!0 -
N o L y r i c S c r o l l i n g o n B l a n k S l i d e s , t o o p l e a s e .0
For anyone interested, I found a different workaround until they give us better options. Turn the title slide off for your songs. Insert a "content" slide just before each song that only contains the title of the song. Match the background of this slide with the background of the song. Now you can have a clean title slide AND still use the keyboard arrows to advance everything.0
I love lyric scrolling! I too would love to not have to put two blank slides in after the Title in order to keep lyrics from being over top of the title. I noticed this has been posted for 9 months and that this feature is "planned" on the roadmap. Is there any idea when this might be available in a future update?0
Agreed with this, love the lyric scrolling but messed up our title slides which had bible verses on it, we resolved this temporarily by adding two blank lyric slides after our title slide to create a gap, although causes issue then trying to get the lyrics up quickly.0
Happy to share that in the latest 4.4 release the upcoming lyrics will no longer be displayed on the title slide.0