Romanian Bible Translations

Flavius Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
Please, the Romanian community in diaspora crave the ability to work on Romanian and English sermons together in Logos Bible Software.
The main Romanian translation is the Cornilescu version that has typographical errors corrected. Also a more modern translation like the "Noua Traducere in Limba Romana" would be great as well.
16 votes

In Progress · Last Updated

We now have NTR on Pre-Pub! Leaving this request in the "In Progress" status until we know more about Cornilescu 100.


  • Betuel Vararu
    Betuel Vararu Member Posts: 10 ✭✭
    It is very sad that there is no concern for Romanian users that invested a lot in the products of logos and don’t have a single Romanian Bible version. I wrote to you several times. I invested thousands of dollars in the products, and not a single official reply to all the kind requests. Very sad.
  • Yes. We are waiting for a Rumanian Translation Cornilescu Rumanian Bible, Biblical Society. Thank you!
  • Stinghe Pavel
    Stinghe Pavel Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
    Hi there, God promissed that his BOOK would reach all people of all nations and all tongues. TRANSLATED and spread to all.
    Please add also a romanian bible. Kind regards & God bless
  • Adrian
    Adrian Member Posts: 6
    Logos needs to 2 Romanian Bible translations:

    1. NTR (Noua Traducere Romana) -> rights are owend by

    2. EDCR (Editia Dumitru Cornilescu Revizuita) -> rights are owned by

    Please add and incorporate these in the program, there are already 3 or more requests for this, it would be a great blessing and help for all romanian Logos users.

    Thank you!
  • Andrew Murray
    Andrew Murray Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    Hi there,
    I've noticed that there has been a promise of adding Romanian Bibles in Logos for years and this has never been accomplished. I think at this point the Romanian community would be grateful with even one translation, the most common for decades, EDCR (Editia Dumitru Cornilescu Revizuita).
    There seem to have been many requests, I see 4 others only in this list, and many more on the community forums.
    Being able to have the resources to study in our native tongue and share the gospel with the lost and have in depth study about the spiritual walk that Jesus wants us to have with Him is so important. There are other software that provide similar tools that Logos provides and I would hate to have to move to a different software just because a Romanian Bible translation does not exist in Logos.
    I also believe that your user base could increase in Romania as well with the addition of a Romanian Bible translation such as EDCR or maybe even NTR (Noua Traducere Romana).

    Thank you for your time in reading this!
    Praying for your teams and that Logos would be a great tool to minister to the lost.

    Be blessed!
  • YES! Please add a Romanian Bible Translation...
  • Let's do this Faithlife! 💪
  • I've posted a request for this in 2011.  I was in touch with someone at Logos in 2019 who said he was working on this.  The last I heard about this in 2020 was that they had to sort out some contractual issues with the copyright holders. It looks like learning Hungarian and using the Károli translation will be faster for us Romanians than getting Logos to publish a Romanian Bible. :-)
  • I'd love to see the Romanian Bible integrated in Logos. As I use Logos to write out all my sermons, this would be extremely beneficial to my workflow. LOGOS... please make this a priority - thank you!
  • Ben Misja (Logos)
    Ben Misja (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 2,182
    I'm happy to report that we have recently received permission to offer two Romanian Bibles, Noua Traducere Romana, as well as Bible League International's "Easy-to-Read Version" (for which I don't have the Romanian title). 
    Unfortunately, I can't make a statement yet on when they will be available in Logos. But I did want to share the good news! 

    What is more, I'm thankful for the pointers and requests regarding the Editia Dumitru Cornilescu Revizuita, and that its copyright is held by the British & Foreign Bible Society. We will evaluate whether it will be possible to offer it as a Logos resource. 

    Senior Manager, New Languages

  • Flavius
    Flavius Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
    @Ben Misja (Logos)  Thank you so much for this Ben. I appreciate the update. If you could kindly pass on to the Logos teams that the "Editia Dumitru Cornilescu Revizuita" is by far the most used version in the Romanian communities and churches all over the world. To be able to insert the verses automatically in this version would be wonderful. Hopefully some understanding could be reached with the British and Foreign Bible Society.
  • @Ben Misja (Logos)  Thank you for the good news!  It is great to have the NTR made available.  Editia Dumitru Cornilescu Revizuita would be even better since it is de facto the translation used by Romanian evangelicals. I've never heard of the Bible League International's "Easy-to-Read Version".
  • Adrian
    Adrian Member Posts: 6
    @Ben Misja (Logos)  Any updates or news on this? ETA? 
  • Ben Misja (Logos)
    Ben Misja (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 2,182
    @Adrian Popa  Stay tuned! This is one of a small number of coverage gaps in Bible translations I'm trying to fit in this year, but I have very limited bandwidth to spare. Please think in terms of months and quarters rather than weeks. Thank you for your patience! 

    Senior Manager, New Languages

  • Adrian
    Adrian Member Posts: 6
  • @Ben Misja (Logos)  We've been waiting for over 13 years, so we can add a few more months to the wait.  As it has been mentioned before, if you really want to make a splash go for "Editia Dumitru Cornilescu Revizuita" (used by most evangelicals in Romania) and "Biblia Ortodoxă Sinodală" (used by the Eastern Orthodox Romanians).  All the other ones have a more limited use.
  • Stinghe Pavel
    Stinghe Pavel Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    There are a lot of Bible students and Christians in Romania who would love to study with Logos but there is no Romanian Bible.
  • Adrian
    Adrian Member Posts: 6
    @George  Maybe it will be a Christmas present
  • George
    George Member Posts: 479 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
  • George
    George Member Posts: 479 ✭✭
    edited November 2024

    I pray and hope so! We've been waiting too long for this. I also hope Logos will not waste their efforts on translations that have a limited use, but rather release the translations that people are actually using (like the Editia Dumitru Cornilescu Revizuita used by the evangelicals and the Biblia Ortodoxă Sinodală used by the orthodox believers).

  • Ben Misja (Logos)
    Ben Misja (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 2,182

    Sorry, guys, no news so far. We had a very busy launch last month, and since these Bibles were among a few larger batches of new translations we received in languages without dedicated staff, we're still working through some unique challenges getting them produced. But it's happening.

    Senior Manager, New Languages

  • George
    George Member Posts: 479 ✭✭

    Ben, thank you for the update. We are much closer than 13 years ago. 😉

  • Sorin Covaci
    Sorin Covaci Member Posts: 1

    Dear Ben,

    I am writing once again on behalf of many Romanians who are eager to see a version of the Bible in our language available on your platform.

    I recently returned from a visit to Romania, where I had the privilege of meeting with pastors, laypeople, and students. During our conversations, we discussed the immense benefits of leveraging technology as a tool for Bible study.

    Your software is highly regarded and widely used within our community, and we deeply appreciate its value. It would mean a great deal to us if at least one of the many Romanian translations could be made accessible. Many users have expressed their willingness to pay for access to such a resource.

    To gauge interest, we even conducted a Facebook poll, and the support for this project was overwhelming. In particular, having the Cornilescu 100 available on your platform would be a wonderful gift to our community, especially as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of this definitive edition, first published in 1924.

    Thank you for considering this request. Your efforts would greatly enrich the spiritual lives of many.

    Respectfully, Sorin G. Covaci

  • Ben Misja (Logos)
    Ben Misja (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 2,182

    Thank you for letting me know about the update! Noted!

    Senior Manager, New Languages

  • George
    George Member Posts: 479 ✭✭

    I agree that the latest 2024 Cornilescu revision would be the most beneficial to the evangelical community.

  • Emmy Cira
    Emmy Cira Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Could you provide an ETA? It’s great to know we’re close, but just how close are we?

    Thank you!

  • Ben Misja (Logos)
    Ben Misja (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 2,182

    I can't promise much because we're looking at a larger batch of Bible translations that we have to process, which is partially outside our usual channels and responsibilities. This means some priorities and responsibilities have to be sorted out, and some new solutions found (for example, we need to have covers created). I can't commit to this or make any promises, but if I had to make a safe guess, it's that we'll know more in 2-3 months, and might well have a Romanian Bible in the system in 6.

    Senior Manager, New Languages

  • Cristian Cirloaba
    Cristian Cirloaba Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Hello , I wait too for a Romanian Bible in Logos for many years, I hope next year this will happen. Thank you.

  • Betuel Vararu
    Betuel Vararu Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    hello, @Ben Misja (Logos) , you wrote about working at incorporing a Romanian Bible translation back in May, 2024. What is the progress of the project? Why is this lasting so much even though it is so expected for all the romanian users? Thank you for taking time to answer this.

  • Emanuel
    Emanuel Member Posts: 1

    Hi @Ben Misja (Logos) ,

    I am joining my brother @Betuel Vararu to emphasize the urgent need to include a Romanian translation of the Bible in Logos. Many of the users who are native Romanian speakers or prefer studying in Romanian are currently facing challenges due to the absence of this feature.

    Providing a Romanian Bible translation would significantly enhance the user experience for us. Moreover, many of these users are actively engaged and contribute financially to the app. By adding a Romanian translation, Logos can better serve their needs, strengthen their connection to the platform, and potentially increase user retention and satisfaction.

    I strongly believe that this addition would be a valuable investment in our user base and align with your mission to make the Bible accessible to everyone, regardless of language.

    Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to your feedback and hope we can prioritize this feature in the near future.

  • Ben Misja (Logos)
    Ben Misja (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 2,182

    Just updated the status, but in case folks don't get notified:

    We now have NTR on Pre-Pub!

    I'm leaving this request for Romanian Bibles in the "In Progress" status until we know more about Cornilescu 100.

    Senior Manager, New Languages

  • Cristian Cirloaba
    Cristian Cirloaba Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I am very happy that we have a prepub for a romanian translation. I hope to see it in the summer in Logos .