Multilingual Bible slides

Vaclav Janca
Vaclav Janca Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
Display two Bible versions (2 languages) on the same slide. For bilingual churches.
11 votes

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  • Tony Sarno
    Tony Sarno Member Posts: 1
  • Ian McGrath (St Phils)
    Ian McGrath (St Phils) Member Posts: 3
    Great idea
  • Yes. my church really need this feature. also able to change a font per bible version.
  • This feature much needed!!!
  • Shara Heiniger (Logos)
    Shara Heiniger (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 131
    I understand on how to search for a bible verse and add it in. However, we are a bilingual church and now my Pastor has asked me to include English and Spanish bible verses. For example Mark 1:1 in english and spanish on the same slide. Is there a way to accomplish this with out me having to type it in manually? Please see screenshot attachment, i would need both engilsh and spanish (two different languages). I know i can add one in reference english, then add another different reference in spanish, but as the sermon flows, it will now allow for that.
  • We are becoming an increasing multilingual church and want to display at least two Bible texts in two languages. We have been looking at what ProPresenter can do and don't want to move, but we need this functionality for the good of God's people of all nations. Thanks.
  • @David McCullagh  Does ProPresenter have this feature?
  • Or...the ability to display alternate content on a separate display simultaneously. English on the main display and Spanish on a secondary virtual display. 
  • VideoPsalm, and now ProPresenter has this feature. what is Proclaim on this???
  • our church needs this. Right now we work with four languages: Japanese, Chinese, English, and Korean
  • Phil LaRue
    Phil LaRue Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
    I need this!