Add data setting to Factbook visual filter
Phil Gons (Logos)
Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,799
This may be easier said than done, as we'd likely want to do it based on our historical silos (LCV, BK, etc). That's not an easy explanation to a user. This would also make us want to rethink other existing VFs like events, speakers, etc. that can be turned off and on. I'd want to see us make an effort to consolidate somehow.0
@steve-runge-63 the consolidation is an interesting point. Just tonight I was wanting to get down to just the biblical text and had to turn a lot of things off in order to achieve it.0
Even just re-ordering and collapsible sections that are remembered could be helpful such as with the passage guide. I almost never want to see the media or built in maps (rarely helpful to me), yet that is often very prominent right near the top. Now if it had my Carta maps that might be different!0
Wasn't this completed with 9.2?0