Multilingual spellcheck for Sermon Builder

Leonardo Moreira
Leonardo Moreira Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
I have Verbum in English and most of my resources are in English, but I often write my homilies and talks in different languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese). However, currently the spellcheck only works in the Sermon Builder with the System Display language. It is a nuisance to have to be changing the system language every time I use the Sermon Builder. If we could have the option to choose the language that would be used for spellchecking for each document, that would be very helpful. In fact, not only for the Sermon Builder, but this option should be enabled for every type of document. These spellchecks are already created in Logos, as we do have the option to display the program in different languages; it would just be a matter of making the spell check language independent from the system display language.
6 votes

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  • Bernhard
    Bernhard Member Posts: 702 ✭✭✭
    Same for notes!
  • I would be happy with at least the possibility of disabling the spellcheck. I like the UI in English but I write my sermons in French. Having to set the whole app to French just to remove all the red underlines is annoying.
  • Periadi
    Periadi Member Posts: 3

    Maybe 1 month ago I can use sermon in other language (Indonesian) without spell check and it works well both in PC and my Laptop (i dont change anything), no red underline. But now somehow all Logos sofware in my 3 devices have this red underline. I havent use sermon builder for a month because of this