Resource View: Ability to Change Syriac Default Font

Peter Agboola
Peter Agboola Member Posts: 23 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
You gave options to change Hebrew and Greek default font in the android app, but the android app still lacks the ability to change the default Syriac font. Right now, the default Syriac font for resources is Serto but I want to toggle it to Estrangelo font. This toggle option is not given for Syriac on the mobile app. Please give us this option to change the display font for Syriac on Logos mobile. It will be highly welcome!!
6 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Would be really great if you could also select a Hebrew font for Syriac texts as well. This would really help give a transliteration for people like me who are still learning the Syriac alphabet but already know Hebrew.
    MATSATI Member Posts: 55 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    Hello, I am using the Leinden Peshitta Bible on the mobile app. The issue I am having is that the fonts for the Leiden Peshitta is in Serto syriac and I need the font in Estrangelo syriac. When I perform a word lookup the lexicon shows the text in Estrangelo. But the Leiden Peshitta is in Serto. I need an option in the mobile app to select the syriac font. In the setting menu there are options for both Greek and Hebrew UT not syriac. The desktop app has this option but the mobile app doesn't. Please consider putting a syriac font select option in the mobile app. I have a few friends who also read the Leiden Peshitta and they have voiced the same concern about the mobile app. I attached a picture to show how the bible has one font (serto) and the lexicon has another (estrangelo). I personally prefer the Estrangelo.
  • Most reading this may not understand that the situation is a bit worse. The issue is not just about "fonts" Syriac Serto and Estrangela (also called Estrangelo) are different SCRIPTS. It's not an issue of a font looking different or something they are actually different scripts like writing something with the Arabic Alphabet instead of the Hebrew alphabet; sure it can be done but what if the user doesn't know the Arabic alphabet? So here the logos mobile app as the op says, displays the bible in one script (let's say it's like Hebrew in my example) and when the user does lookup on a word, it pops up in the other script (Arabic in my example)! I 2nd his call for Estrangela as many texts teach this script.
    On the PC / Mac version of logos we can choose our aramaic scripts (presented as fonts). Please fix this logos, don't make us learn another script just so we can use what we paid for. THanks.