Loaning Books

Bruce Dorman
Bruce Dorman Member Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited December 2024 in English Feedback

Would love to be able to loan books to individuals for them to read. This is possible in Amazon.

10 votes

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  • Zack
    Zack Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
    edited December 2024

    BLUF: Allow owning of multiple copies of the same resource; provide the ability to lend/send the resource to another account. Essentially giving the "lent" user a "trial usage" of the resource for a lender predefined amount of time.

    Goal: Enhance Small/Large Group Studies.

    Requirements: Allow account to own multiple copies of the same resource and the ability for the "owner" of the resource to lend the resource to another account once, for a specified amount of time like 14 days (preferably also the ability to transfer the ownership to the other account for say gifting to a user), The ability for the lent user to "accept" the resource. Some form of accounting system to prevent abuse, and "indefinite" lending.

    During usage of a lent resource logos could alert the user of the temporary resource and time left, with the ability to buy it for themselves(which should return the lent copy back to the owner)
    To prevent abuse, accounts could be limited to how many active items are being lent to them. As well as how many times a specific resource is allowed to be lent to a particular account..

    Example: User 3 lends Resource A to User 4, User 4 accepts lent resource, after Resource A is returned to owner (by User 4 choice or by time elapsed) User 4 can no longer be lent Resource A by any user. But User 3 can still lend User 4 a different Resource( say Resource B)

  • Jason Strong
    Jason Strong Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    I would love a feature where I could lend another Logos user a book for a day if they are researching something and I have the resource they need. Similar to how you would in real life with a physical book.
  • Member Posts: 226 ✭✭✭
  • Member Posts: 226 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2024
  • Member Posts: 226 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2024
  • Anderson Abreu
    Anderson Abreu Member Posts: 557 ✭✭✭
    It would be very helpful to be able to lend a book to a colleague or borrow a book. In this case, the book may be unavailable for the owner's use until it is "returned". And if Faithlife finds this detrimental to the business, it could charge a nominal fee per loan.


    "... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)

  • Jonathan Brown
    Jonathan Brown Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
    I think this would be a huge selling point for folks. Make it a Starter-level feature and I know multiple people that would join. Putting it in Gold or a higher package will keep many people from ever getting it, but I know a lot of folks that would buy Starter just for this. Just remove the resource from the lender as Anderson mentioned. Have the controls exist in Logos. 

    For example, I pick "Literary Approaches to the Bible" to loan to my friend, Tom. I set the expiration for anywhere from 1 day to a max of say 60 days. After that, Tom can no longer receive that resource in a loan. Make it to where only permanent licensed users can loan, not a temp license.

    It would incentivize people to buy Starter and give them access to enough resources that they would then want to purchase more. I don't know anyone who got Starter and, within a year, didn't upgrade to at least Silver. Plus, just as we have seen in marketing, people will often just pay for the upgrade, once there is buy-in. Spotify and Netflix killed a lot of music and video pirating by just making it easier to pay a small fee than to pirate something. 
  • Sam Bartlett
    Sam Bartlett Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2024

    I know there's probably copyright issues with this, but something I've ran into many times after amassing a good number of books in my library is my desire to share them with others that I'm teaching – in the same way I can loan a print book to a friend to read for a bit before getting it back to then loan to another or read it again myself. I just wish I could bless my friends easier instead of saying "oh yeah I read this really great work on that, you can borrow my computer for a bit to read some of it"