Haitian Kreyol Translation

LARRY LAIN Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited February 11 in Book Requests

I would love to see the Haitian Kreyol (Creole) translation made available in Logos. I grew up in Haiti, teach there on occasion, and still have Haitian friends that I would recommend Logos to, particularly if a Haitian Creole (Kreyol Ayisyan) translation was avaialble.

4 votes

In progress · Last Updated


  • Kesny St Louis
    Kesny St Louis Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
    please add a Haitian Bible on logos. (Haitian Creole Version). It allows to look at the in different languages. Thank you
  • Kesny St Louis
    Kesny St Louis Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
    I just want to suggest if logos can please add an Haitian creole Bible to the software or the Bible app?
  • Shara Heiniger (Logos)
    Shara Heiniger (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 134
    Any Haitian Creole Bible
    LARRY LAIN Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    The translation is available in YouVersion Bible and the Online Bible....but I use Logos, so having availability in Logos would be wonderful!
  • Kesny St Louis
    Kesny St Louis Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    I would like to see the Haitian Creole Bible on logos. I am also interested in working with Logos on behalf of the Haitian community if Logos would hire me. I speak both languages in English fluently and professionally.
  • Ben Misja (Logos)
    Ben Misja (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 2,182
    Thank you for your suggestions! We did in fact recently receive permission to add a Haitian Creole New Testament to Logos, and another may just be a matter of time. Production for Bibles can be tricky, so I don't have a timeline for you yet, but know that this is in the works!

    EDIT: Housekeeping note: I've merged several requests for a Creole translation into this one.

    Senior Manager, New Languages

    LARRY LAIN Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    That is wonderful! Thank you! I look forward to seeing that! You are probably aware of this, but there are translations from many years ago that are good but have an old orthography. The "new" Bib La in Kreyol Ayisyen with the "new orthography" is the translation that is commonly used today in Haiti.

    Please put me on a list or guide me as to how I will know when the translation is made available.