Hekhalot Literature in Translation: Major Texts of Merkavah Mysticism / James Davila

Jim Darlack
Jim Darlack Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

Published in 2013, this corpus of material is helpful for studying Jewish mysticism and rabbinic literature. It is also helpful for studying early Jewish and Christian apocalyptic texts.

From the Publisher: The Hekhalot literature is a motley collection of textually fluid and often textually corrupt documents in Hebrew and Aramaic which deal with mystical themes pertaining especially to God's throne-chariot (the Merkavah). They were composed between late antiquity and the early Middle Ages, with roots in earlier traditions and a long and complex subsequent history of transmission.

This volume presents English translations of eclectic critical texts, with a full apparatus of variants, of most of the major Hekhalot documents: Hekhalot Rabbati; Sar Torah; Hekhalot Zutarti; Ma'aseh Merkavah; Merkavah Rabba; briefer macroforms: The Chapter of R. Nehuniah ben HaQanah, The Great Seal-Fearsome Crown, Sar Panim, The Ascent of Elijah ben Avuyah, and The Youth; and the Hekhalot fragments from the Cairo Geniza.
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