randy Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
When I highlight any resource in Logos, I usually highlight key phrases and words. I may use different highlighter types for different categories that I develop. I always have the highlights for each resource go into a separate document, that is one for each resource. Now I would like to sort those highlights so I can print or export them into another document based on highlighter type used.
There is a search capability that one can search for a specific highlight, but it only works for Bibles. The document used to store the highlights for a specific document should have sorting capabilities based on each type of highlighter palette used.
3 votes

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  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton Member Posts: 79 ✭✭
    There should be a facet for Highlight Palette/Style in the Notes tool, then you can select your resource (or Notebook) and then a palette or a style, followed by Print/Export.
  • randy
    randy Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    Thanks Dave for your thoughts. Let me clarify what I am trying to accomplish. I want to sort highlights by Style, and there is no way to sort the highlighted text in the document that contains the highlighted text. For instance, I wanted to export all yellow background highlighted text from the blue, purple, and pink background highlighted text. There is no way to do that currently in Logos.