AI Enhanced Factbook Results

Jonathan Brown
Jonathan Brown Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
So imagine this: I go to openAI and ask Chat-GPT to explain the differences between Calvinism and Arminianism. So it does. But I want references to where I can go read more. Sometimes it gives good references, and sometimes it makes things up (for example, I once asked it to tell me the top 10 New Testament survey textbooks, and 6 of them gave the wrong author in the list).

What I would love to see is to take the legwork out of needing to type in and form specialized queries in Logos. In plain text, I would like to know "How many times did Paul say, 'under the law'?" and then get a passage list of where and when.

Or, back to my original question, I could ask "What are the differences between Calvinism and Arminianism?" and Logos-GPT would provide an explanation taken from excerpts from my own resources in my library, and give me links to open those resources for further reading.
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