Commentary Guides: Add all milestones in Commentary resource

Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :)
MVP Posts: 23,148
A number of commentaries have more than one section for a Biblical passage.
Could be complicated e.g. Lange's Commentary has
Php 4:4-7
Php 4:8
A Guide for Php 4:4-9 will only list the Php 4:4-7 milestone, and link to verse 4. Lange has an extended discussion before the verse 8 milestone, so it would be useful to see this listed as well. Verse 9 follows immediately after verse 8, but it didn't get listed in my milestone search!). So, much depends on how milestones are tagged in the resource, especially when there is a hierarchy of overviews like :
Summary of Ch 3:12-4:10
Chapter 4. Summary of verses 4-9
Chapter 4. Verses 4-7
Verse 4
Verse 5
Chapter 4. Verses 8-9
Verse 8
Verse 9
Sometimes the milestones don't land on the 'relevant' discussion either. So this one is debatable as to efficiency and could produce long listings of milestones in the Guide.0