Baptist Ways: A History

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Title: Baptist Ways: A History
Author: Bill J. Leonard
Publisher: Judson Press
Publication Date: June 30, 2003
Print Length: 480 pages
ISBN: 978-0817012311
Amazon link:

This exhaustive resource traces significant aspects of Baptist history from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries. It surveys basic beliefs, events, and experiences evident in Baptist communities and provides one of the most comprehensive resources on Baptist history available. Leonard explores the effect of the Baptist identity on not just America, but on the world, and includes the emergence of English, British, Irish, and Caribbean Baptists, to name a few. Also skillfully covered is the influence of the Baptist faith in the United States, including the development of African American Baptists and the numerous denominations that emerged in the twentieth century. Students, teachers, professors, and pastors alike will find in Leonard's resource an exceptional history that provides a foundation for this enduring faith.
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