Search: Google-like Search tool

2 Timothy 2:15
2 Timothy 2:15 Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
I feel like the search needs to be easier to use, I get better results with using Google to search for me, and I would much rather use Logos than Google, but find Logos search very frustrating.
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  • Daniel Aguilera
    Daniel Aguilera Member Posts: 49 ✭✭
    My experience exactly. 
    When I first invested in LOGOS I thought "That's it, I won't have to use google anymore, I'll just stick to LOGOS. But as I got more and more frustrated, I found that in order to use LOGOS more effectively I have to keep a Window open with google to do some quick searches. With all the AI out there now I feel that this should definitely be a no brainer. My issue is that Logos was sold to me as a solution for me; A Pastor/Teacher/Preacher, etc... But the more I spend time with LOGOS I'm seeing that it is actually catering more to seminary students, scholars, people who need to write papers, etc. It does not cater to someone like me a more lay person who preaches and teaches. I have been very frustrated with this lately. Even to the point where I regret what I thought was a smart investment but rather turned out to be something that doesn't apply to my situation. 

    If I could go back I would have purchased something that much more caters to me. For example I do need and use the sermon manager and sermon builder, and perhaps a few resources that I like. But especially going back to the search function wow I am disappointed with it. Thank you for your time.