Layouts: Allow Visual Filters to save with Saved Layouts

Charles Kirby
Charles Kirby Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
I saw another feature request regarding adding a saving feature for Bible layouts. However, I'm thinking it would be simpler from a programming standpoint to simply have visual filters included as part of what is saved in a "Layout".

Another thought would be to add a program setting that toggles the saving of Visual Filters on/off with Layouts.

I'm sure there are a number of different applications for this, but in my specific scenario, I am using visual filters as an aid for inductive bible study. I have an inductive bible study highlight palette, which is assigned to an Inductive Bible Study notebook.

Whenever I am studying a passage, I apply a set of highlights that are helpful for passage study but would be too noisy for regular study/reading. I use visual filters to turn on/off all of my standard notebooks and highlights vs my inductive notebook and highlights based on what I am doing.

Since I also have a layout that I use for inductive Bible studies, it would be a huge help to simply have all of that visual filter scrolling and checking be recalled as part of the layout.
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