Holy Bible - New Life Version (New Life Bible)

Rosie Perera
Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭
Barbour Publishing, 2016

From Wikipedia:

"The New Life Version (NLV) of the Bible is a simplified English translation by Gleason and Kathryn Ledyard....

"The translation was born out of the Ledyards' missionary work in the Canadian Arctic to First Nations populations, who did not always speak English fluently. The NLV uses a limited vocabulary of about 850 words, not including proper names. This was done to make the text easier to read and understand, a goal that the Ledyards felt was not adequately met by existing English translations of the Bible.

"The NLV uses gender-specific language and uses no contractions. Confusing wording is avoided. Weights and measures are worded so that anyone can understand them; For example, Noah's ark is described as being: '...as long as 150 long steps, as wide as twenty-five long steps, and eight times taller than a man.'

"The translation of the New Testament was completed in 1969, and the complete NLV Bible with Old and New Testaments was first published in 1986."
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