Sermon Builder Bulk Increment

Robert Kelbe
Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 627 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Say I have planned out a whole series of sermons, with dates (occasions) and number in series. Then, I decide to split a sermon into two, or combine two sermons into one.

Currently, I have to adjust every sermon in the series individually, to change the number in the series, and the planned date.

Please allow us to bulk increment the number in series, and date.

For number in series: In grid view, if you select multiple sermons, it says "Number (in series): various". Pressing the up or down arrow should increment every sermon, rather than assign every sermon the same number in the series, which would never be what the user desired.

For dates/occasions, you should be able to increment all selected sermons by a certain number of weeks.
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