Vulgate with Logos Morphology

Mark Robertson
Mark Robertson Member Posts: 1
There is a Septuagint (LXX) Text with Logos Morphology. I am requesting a Latin Vulgate Text with Logos Morphology be created or offers as an academic resource for purchase, using the Dictionary of the Vulgate New Testament. Such a translation-lexical resource exists for the LXX but not for the Vulgate. I am requesting that Logos create a new academic resource for the Latin Vulgate that has Logos Morphology for English words, along with the Lexical and parsing information in a format that reads: 1. Text; 2. Lemma; 3. Gloss; and 4. Morph."

Thank you, Dr. Mark Robertson
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  • Pastor Loren
    Pastor Loren Member Posts: 105 ✭✭
    @Mark Robertson  - we do have Latin morphological data available for the Vulgate. There are two options: the Lexham Latin-English Interlinear Vulgate, and the Clementine Vulgate. The first is best for aligning the Latin to English, and the latter (when paired with a reverse-interlinear) is best for aligning the Latin to Hebrew.