Connect books by highlighted sentences

Marconi Fabio Vieira
Marconi Fabio Vieira Member Posts: 32 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Dear Sirs,

I would like to make a suggestion to connect books by highlighted sentences.

For example, in the figure attached I have two books. In the first book on the left (by Karl Barth) there is a sentence that when I click on it I would like to be redirected to the other book on the right (by John Frame) that talks in more depth about the concept discussed, in this case the Theology of Lordship.

I know that Logos has the L4 resource for links, or using letters A, B, etc to connect them, but how can I make links from one highlighted sentence to another between books?

I know that there is the Notes resource, but if I could have access from one book to another with just one click, in highlighted sentence that would be great!

Thank you!
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