Feedback on New 100-Book Download Limit

Obed Matus
Obed Matus Member Posts: 100 ✭✭

I’d like to provide feedback on the recent implementation of the 100-book download limit. While I understand that this change was introduced to address performance issues during bulk downloads, the current approach creates significant inconvenience for users with extensive libraries.

As someone with over 14,000 books, this limit means I would need to initiate downloads 143 separate times to access my collection—a time-consuming and frustrating process. In the past, I managed download-related performance issues by scheduling them overnight, which worked well for my needs.

If this new limit is necessary, I would like to suggest a couple of potential solutions to improve the user experience:

1.Customizable Download Limit: Allow users to adjust the number of simultaneous downloads in the app settings, tailored to their device’s performance capabilities.

2.Device-to-Device Transfer: Enable book transfers between devices via a high-speed USB-C connection, which would provide a faster and more efficient alternative for users managing large libraries.

These changes would preserve app functionality while accommodating power users who rely on access to larger collections. I hope this feedback is helpful, and I appreciate your consideration of these options.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


  • David Vela (Logos)
    David Vela (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 285

    Thank you for your feedback Obed, I'll bring this to the team for further consideration.

  • Anthony Dowden
    Anthony Dowden Member Posts: 313 ✭✭

    Prior to all the recent changes I was receiving beta updates. Then I stopped but unfortunately it looks like Tesflight didn’t handle this. Consequently the other day both my iPhone and iPad app stopped working telling me my 90 days had expired. I tried downloading the latest version of the app from the Apple Store but it kept crashing. In the end I deleted everything, not realising that you had initiated a maximum 100 downloads at a time. I have already spent over 16 hours painfully downloading books and I am not even half-way through, it is beyond a joke.

    I am extremely annoyed as this is now the second time this has happened to me, through no fault of my own.

    If you are going to insist on this 100 max downloads then the very least you should do is to give an option in the library to provide 100 unloaded books that we can then just keep working on. You are always saying that we will never loose the books we have purchased, but they are no good sitting in a library that is only accessible to download bikini by book when something goes wrong. Another way would be to give us the ability to back up our library to a drive or the cloud in a format that could be downloaded back into the app.

    I am afraid that at the moment you have one very annoyed customer!\

  • David Vela (Logos)
    David Vela (Logos) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 285
    edited February 6

    I'm sorry you're having a bad experience with this change, Anthony.

    Another user shared a workaround to download more than 100 books at a time with the help of the desktop app, here it is in case that's helpful in your situation:

  • Anthony Dowden
    Anthony Dowden Member Posts: 313 ✭✭

    sorry but this does not work. Books which are supposedly on the device are not and vice versa. I remember playing with this feature several times in the past and it never worked.

    Thanks anyway.

  • Steven MacDonald
    Steven MacDonald Member Posts: 283 ✭✭✭

    Please remove this limit. Just got new iPad. This limitation makes the Logos experience horrible.