Customer Request: Simplifying Process for Adding Team Members

Good day,
I am asking you to make the process of answering an invitation to join a music team more friendly to those who have limited computer skills. I would like valuable team members, that don't like using technology, to have access to upcoming presentations.
I am not an expert on all things computer, but to test your process I sent a link to my wife. She thinks that a screen shot is when you use one device to take a picture of another device and my life is happier if I only correct things that matter. She attempted to join the group through what I sent her. She actually was successful but she was not able to find our group. She got confused by all of the other material you sent that was asking her to buy other aspects of your services and she gave up before I found our presentation
I appreciate that it is important for you to sell services, but she is never going to use such a service. The people I seek as team members are much like my wife, They are very valuable musicians but they have no interest in computer services. If you could lead them more directly to my group and not try to make a sale it would be helpful.
My suggestion is that when the requested person opens the email they get a link to download Proclaim software and then get a link to tie into our files. Those with greater skills will see the value of your services as they use them. I like your program, but I also know that my subscription to CCLI includes presentation software and if their program is easier to share I would be tempted.