39.0 Beta 3 Has Broken Sermon Notes/Editor

Joseph Turner
Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,855 ✭✭✭

I started a new document by typing:

1 john 4 7-8 Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter

1 john 4 9Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter

If I try to move the cursor anywhere in the document, it jumps around back and forth. If I click enough times, it will eventually stay on the line I want.

If I close the document and reopen it, none of my work is saved.

Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.


  • Joseph Turner
    Joseph Turner Member Posts: 2,855 ✭✭✭

    If I open a previously created document, it works fine, so I duplicated a previous document and deleted everything out, renamed it, and everything works fine. It's only starting a new document which doesn't work.

    Disclaimer:  I hate using messaging, texting, and email for real communication.  If anything that I type to you seems like anything other than humble and respectful, then I have not done a good job typing my thoughts.