Inclusion of the Annual Parashot Reading Cycle as a Lectionary in Logos

EDUARDO JIMENEZ Member Posts: 435 ✭✭

I would like to suggest the integration of the annual Parashot (Torah portions) reading cycle as an official lectionary in Logos. This is very important for Messianic Jewish and Torah-focused Christian users, as well as anyone studying the Torah systematically. Including the Parashot cycle would enable users to follow weekly readings seamlessly, aligning with traditional synagogue and Messianic congregational practices.

This lectionary would not only enhance personal and communal study but also provide structure for sermon preparation, devotional practices, and academic research. It could include the Torah portion, the Haftarah, and suggested readings from the Brit Hadasha (New Testament) when applicable.

Thank you for considering this suggestion to make Logos even more inclusive and valuable for a diverse community of Bible students.

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