Alcorn's Money, Possessions and Eternity
I've owned this title for quite a while. The resource is dated 10/7/2024 in the information pane. However, the Logos web site shows this as a prepub which is gathering interest. This should be updated.
Did you buy it from Wordsearch?
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No. Never owned Wordsearch. It's definitely in my library and has been for some time, and it is the Reader Edition.
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It was originally sold as an eBook that is/was being upcycled into a Reader Edition. You likely purchased it many years ago when it was an eBook.
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Yes, I likely got it as an ebook. However, it's showing right now in my library as a Reader Edition and I'm wondering why the logos page I linked above says it is gathering interest when it has been out as a Reader Edition at least since October, though it seems it came out as an ebook in Logos in 2011 and has been a Reader Edition since at least October 2024.
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Whether you bought it as an ebook was going to be my next question. This happens when the book is being developed into a Reader Edition, although normally after a day or two it shows that you own the book.