BUG: Scrolling Clears Selection in Android

Robert Kelbe
Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 617 ✭✭✭

On a small phone screen (especially with the new Insights Menu which takes up half the screen and stays on by default!) I often NEED to select a sentence or paragraph that is too big to fit in the screen and runs off the screen, whether it would be to:

  • Add a highlight
  • Copy text
  • Etc.

To do that, I would need to make an initial selection, scroll, drag the selection handles, scroll, drag the selection handles, etc.

This works perfectly in iOS (and virtually every other app on every OS). The problem is that with Logos on Android, scrolling clears the selection handles, which means that I am always limited with what I can select to what is initially in view.

This is a major limitation, and I can't imagine I am the only one to think so. It made Logos completely unusable for me on Android, due to the number of times I needed to select something larger than the screen. For this reason, I had to switch to using an iPhone, and every day I wish I could go back to Android, were it not for this flaw with Logos.

I believe I have brought this up multiple times, in emails and perhaps on the forums; I can't find it on the forums if I did. In 2019, you wrote, "This is a known and reported issue. This has report has been sent to our development team and they have are now working hard to create a fix." I thought I was told at one point something like "Android (as an operating system) doesn't allow this". I don't believe that—I think you can figure it out!

With improvements like adding sermon builder to Android tablets, I want to move back to Android again. Please address this very basic and very important issue.

Thanks for considering.

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