Multiple backgrounds within a song

Cary Collins
Cary Collins Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited January 13 in Proclaim Feedback

I've read the community notes on how to do this, but all of them are cumbersome and require multiple steps, merging sections, etc. Would it be possible to add a feature where you could simply select the slide where you want the image or motion background to change, then select a new background?

4 votes

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  • Bill Cole
    Bill Cole Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Yes! I love this idea. I just came from using PowerPoint haha, and I do miss being able to use different backgrounds within songs. I love using the different backgrounds especially with the chorus. It can really make a song more powerful. Some songs escalate in rhythm and I love to make each verse have stronger colors and depth to signify that. Please make this happen!!!!!