Create Link in Notes for a Favorites Folder

Michael Fillian
Michael Fillian Member Posts: 4

I am a new user, just finding my way around the UI. I made a Layout with Notes for a study of a verse in 1 Corinthians. I made a Favorites folder with the same name as the Notes file, and added a few internal and external links. I see how to add a link in my Favorites back to the Notes for this study. What I would like to do link to the Favorites folder from my notes file.

That is, in the future, if I reopen this study Layout with the Notes, I would like to know I have Favorites for this study.

Is this possible? If not, is it because it is not needed for some reason or not desirable?

Thank you


Best Answer

  • Michael Fillian
    Michael Fillian Member Posts: 4
    Answer ✓

    Hey! That is a nice feature. I can see a lot of uses for Links.

    Thank you for walking me through that.


  • Michael Fillian
    Michael Fillian Member Posts: 4
  • Aaron Hamilton
    Aaron Hamilton Member Posts: 1,223 ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 14

    Welcome to the Forums!

    It is not possible to link directly to Favorites from the Notes tool. If you are referring to the resource-specific Favorites sidebar which you can open from the Dynamic Toolbar (as opposed to the general Favorites tool under "Tools"), this is directly attached to the resource and cannot be opened independently from it. Thus, the only way to access the Favorites sidebar is to open the relevant resource. The state of the Favorites sidebar is remembered for each resource, so if the resource was last closed with the Favorites sidebar open, it will open alongside the resource the next time it is opened.

    That said, you can link to specific locations within any resource using the Link button in the notes tool. This is a very nice feature. From the Dynamic Toolbar you can click Share → Copy link when you are at the correct location within the resource. Then you can past that link in the note by selecting words within the note and using the Link button.

    If you want a reminder that you have important favorites saved in the Favorites sidebar of any given resource, I can think of no better way to do this than to simply type out the reminder at the beginning of the note/notebook.

  • Michael Fillian
    Michael Fillian Member Posts: 4

    Thank you, Aaron. Your explanation makes the use of Favorites much clearer. One follow-up if I may on your description of Links.

    The steps to create a link as I understand them:
    1. In the resource's Dynamic Toolbar, click Share > Copy Link (I did that)
    2. Select words within the note (I did that. I did not do anything other than highlight words, though. Just click/drag across a few words in the note to select them)
    3. Click the link button (I assume in the Notebook still) —when I do this I get an empty text entry box that has a Save Button. Which makes me think I am missing something from your explanation. How do I complete making the Link?

    Thanks again

  • Aaron Hamilton
    Aaron Hamilton Member Posts: 1,223 ✭✭✭✭

    Sorry for not being clear on that last step. Click inside the text entry box and paste the link that was copied when you clicked "Copy link" (by right clicking and selecting paste or by using the hotkey Ctrl+V). Then click Save.

  • Michael Fillian
    Michael Fillian Member Posts: 4
    Answer ✓

    Hey! That is a nice feature. I can see a lot of uses for Links.

    Thank you for walking me through that.