
(Gentle hint: you might want to edit your sig to remove your phone number and email addy, and perhaps the 'notice' too.)
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Thank you so very much… attempting to remove it now.
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Well I hope this worked.
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The “notice”? Like the post period?
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I meant all the stuff in your sig(nature) including the 'NOTICE: The information contained in this electronic...' info. It shows as grey text in your posts.
If you go to your Account & Privacy Settings, there's a 'Signature' option where you can change all that. See how that goes.
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Oh well, I so do appreciate all of your help. 😊
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That’s what I did in settings. You don’t see it on your side now do you?
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No, your signature still contains all the information. Including your E-Mail address…
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How about now?😄
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@Betty Jo Seitz, I'm not seeing any personal information in your profile signature now.
Sr. Community Manager at Logos.
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Sweet Thx so much for your attention on this! I am very Grateful!