Smyth & Helwys or Welwyn

John Fidel
John Fidel MVP Posts: 3,448
edited January 16 in Books and Courses Forum

Looking at the Baptist Platinum mainly for these two commentary sets. Please provide me your opinion of these sets if you own them.


  • Jason Stone (Logos)
    Jason Stone (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 940

    Moved to the RESOURCES forum.

    Sr. Community Manager at Logos.

  • TheChosenOne
    TheChosenOne Member Posts: 5

    I'm intrigued by the Smyth & Helwys commentary. I'm actually eyeing as well on the baptist platinum set due to the inclusion of that and the welwyn commentaries.

    I couldn't find much information on Smyth & Helwys commentary on the internet. However, Nijay Gupta a commentary writer in his new testament commentary guide mentioned the following about the commentary:

    My understanding is that welwyn is meant to be more devotional.

    Personally, from this information I gather. Smyth and Helwys looks like a solid mid-level commentary series similar to the New American Commentary series. I am looking to Smyth and Helwys as the commentaries are more up to date. Welwyn will be for my devotional reading.

    That's my thoughts for now.

  • Paul Caneparo
    Paul Caneparo Member Posts: 2,746 ✭✭✭

    They're both very different. The Welwyn Bible Commentaries are basically sermons from a reformed perspective. I like them.

  • John Fidel
    John Fidel MVP Posts: 3,448

    Thanks for the imput both of you. I have a few individual volumes of each and really like the layout of the Smyth commentaries. the Welwyn do appear more homiletic or devotional.