Steven Goff
Steven Goff Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

Why can't I put any book I want into these two apps? It just doesn't work


  • RJ
    RJ Member Posts: 119 ✭✭✭

    Not sure I really understand the question. Have you purchased any of these books from Logos, or added free eBooks from FL?

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,906

    Any book in Logos/Verbum/Faithlife eBook format can be used in any of their applications. However, in order to support the Bible study features in these applications, there is a proprietary format which is unique to the apps. Books not in the proprietary format don't work and aren't expected to work.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Steven Goff
    Steven Goff Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Thank you

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,203

    Actually , it does work - but for the desktop apps only (i.e. Logos and Verbum running under Windows or Mac). You would need to convert the eBook to *.docx format (which is very easy to do for many formats including ePub if you use the Calibre software, and with many PDF format eBooks you only need to open them in Word and save as docx) and then in Logos or Verbum you use Tools / Personal Books to create a book in the Logos format from the docx.

    Such simple conversions will work well for reading books in Logos. Enabling the full functionality of Logos for more complex books like commentaries or bibles requires more edititing to add the necessary milestone tagging.

    Note that it is up to you to decide whether such a format conversion into Logos is legal and a legit use of the eBook you bought / licensed / downloaded or created. It may well be so (the book may be in the Public Domain, or under a license that allows it - in those two cases you might even share the docx file here on the forums - or format conversion may be okay in your jurisdiction, or it may be okay for your personal use e.g. under a fair use doctrine).

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

    ASUNDER Member Posts: 258 ✭✭✭

    Don't forget once you have imported a third party document into Logos, or make some kind of document within it, you have just uploaded it to their cloud service. Just like if you use Virus Total, you have just handed over that file to Google, and their paying customers now have legal access to download it. Whether you knew that or not.

    Yup, with or without your permission, cause assumed permission in the fine print of a EULA is fine, apparently. Totally normal business behavior.


    I should go around assuming peoples' permission for me to do things to them; see if I end up in jail.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,906

    This is totally off-topic and unrelated to Logo but is provided to make explicit the comparison in the post above to illustrate the difference in details.

    Just like if you use Virus Total, you have just handed over that file to Google, and their paying customers now have legal access to download it. 

    This statement is partially true, but it requires some clarification:

    1. VirusTotal ownership: While VirusTotal was acquired by Google in 2012, it now operates as a subsidiary of Chronicle, which is part of Google Cloud1.
    2. File sharing: When you upload a file to VirusTotal, it does become part of their database and is shared with various entities:
      • The file is scanned by multiple antivirus engines and security vendors3,5.
      • Premium VirusTotal users, which include security teams and companies, can access and download files uploaded to the service3,5.
    3. Legal access: VirusTotal's Terms of Service require users to own the copyright or have permission for the files they upload, granting VirusTotal a license to use and share the content1. However, this doesn't guarantee that all uploads comply with these terms.
    4. Privacy concerns: Uploading sensitive or proprietary information to VirusTotal can lead to potential exposure of confidential data, trade secrets, or other sensitive details4.
    5. Accessibility: Files uploaded to VirusTotal become part of a shared corpus accessible to premium customers and antivirus partners4,5.

    It's important to note that while the statement is generally accurate in terms of file accessibility, users should be cautious about uploading sensitive or confidential information to VirusTotal. For corporate users or individuals dealing with private data, alternative solutions that prioritize data protection may be more appropriate4.


    1. https://law.stackexchange.com/questions/62264/is-virustotals-business-model-violating-copyright-laws
    2. https://it.ucmerced.edu/news/2023/understand-risks-sharing-copyrighted-materials-campus
    3. https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/167744/is-it-safe-to-upload-scan-personal-files-on-virustotal
    4. https://theredteamlabs.com/the-risks-of-using-virustotal/
    5. https://www.threatdown.com/blog/why-you-shouldnt-automate-your-virustotal-uploads/
    6. https://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/cs201/projects/2000-01/viruses/legal.html
    7. https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/12dp4dh/do_you_think_uploading_files_to_virus_total_is/
    8. https://www.threatdown.com/blog/accidental-virustotal-upload-is-a-valuable-reminder-to-double-check-what-you-share/

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Bernhard
    Bernhard Member Posts: 726 ✭✭✭
    edited March 6

    Don't forget once you have imported a third party document into Logos, or make some kind of document within it, you have just uploaded it to their cloud service. Just like if you use Virus Total, you have just handed over that file to Google, and their paying customers now have legal access to download it. Whether you knew that or not.

    Are you implying this to be true for Logos? You are totally wrong!!!

    Personal books are only uploaded to Logos' servers if you specifically request it! (using the upload button). By doing that, you can use them on other desktop devices without having to manually transfer them. They are not and cannot be shared with other users (unfortunately).

    Other documents (notes, sermons etc.) are automatically uploaded, in order for you to use them on you other devices. You can prevent them by turning off Logos internet use (which has some other consequences). Those documents are never shared with other customers, unless you actively decide to share them!

    ASUNDER Member Posts: 258 ✭✭✭

    Ya that was poorly written. I'm surprised the reaction over "Virus Total". It was just a simple comparison.
    (And I didn't say Logos docs are shared with other customers).

    You can turn off Logos internet use? Cool you either get your docs taken and all the Logos features or neither, hey?