Oxford Handbook of Deification

Kevin Clemens
Kevin Clemens Member Posts: 363 ✭✭✭

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Introduction, Paul L. Gavrilyuk, Andrew Hofer, O.P., and Matthew Levering

Part I: Cultural and Scriptural Roots

1. Ancient Greek Cultural and Philosophical Background, Ivana Petrovic

2. Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Jennie Grillo with Caitlin Joy Hubler

3. The "Non-Biblical" Writings of Early Judaism, Grant Macaskill

4. Deification in the Pauline and Petrine Letters, Ben C. Blackwell

5. Deification in the Synoptics and the Johannine Literature, Edith M. Humphrey

Part II: Soundings in the History of Christian Theology

6. Second- and Third-Century Greek Fathers, Norman Russell

7. Athanasius of Alexandria and the Cappadocian Fathers, Paul M. Blowers

8. Deification in Macarius, Evagrius, and Dionysius, Marcus Plested

9. The Syriac Fathers, Adrian C. Pirtea

10. The Latin Fathers and Augustine, Jared Ortiz

11. Cyril of Alexandria, Andrew Hofer, O.P.

12. "Man became God to the degree that God became man": Maximus the Confessor and the Doctrine of Deification, Maximos Constas

13. Deification in the Early Medieval Latin West, Brian J. Matz

14. Symeon the New Theologian and Byzantine Monasticism, Norman Russell

15. The Cistercians and Victorines, Boyd Taylor Coolman

16. Aquinas and Bonaventure on Deification, Daria Spezzano

17. St Gregory Palamas and Palamism, Alexis Torrance

18. Western Vernacular Mystics, John Arblaster, Rob Faesen, and Louise Nelstrop

19. Martin Luther and the Early Lutherans, Antti Raunio

20. John Calvin and Early Reformed Theology, Carl Mosser

21. Pierre de Bérulle and François de Sales, Wendy M. Wright

22. Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Anglicans, Mark McInroy

23. Pietism, the Moravian Brethren, and the Wesleys, Daniel Castelo

24. Deification in St Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain, St Makarios of Corinth, and the Philokalia, Andrew Louth

25. Jacob Boehme, German Idealism, and Romanticism, Cyril O'Regan

26. Nineteenth-Century Catholic and Anglican Thinkers, Frederick D. Aquino

27. Nineteenth-Century Russian and Ukrainian Religious Thinkers, Paul L. Gavrilyuk

28. Twentieth-Century Russian Orthodox Theologians, Paul L. Gavrilyuk

29. Karl Barth's Critique of Deification, Cambria Kaltwasser

30. Deification in Neo-Thomist and Ressourcement Theology, Jennifer Newsome Martin

31. Deification in Recent Anglican and Protestant Theology, Myk Habets

32. Deification in Contemporary Greek Orthodox Theologians, Pantelis Kalaitzidis

Part III: Systematic Connections

33. Deification and the Metaphysics of Participation, Andrew Davison

34. Deification and the Trinity, Gilles Emery, O.P.

35. Deification and Christology, David Luy

36. Deification and Ecclesiology, Cyril Hovorun

37. Deification and Theological Anthropology, Mark K. Spencer

38. Deification, Justification, and Sanctification: An Early Christian Philosophical Approach, Athanasios Despotis

39. Deification in Sacraments, Liturgy, and Prayer, Daniel Keating

40. Deification and Ecology, ElizabethTheokritoff

41. Deification and Eschatology, Tracey Rowland

42. Deification and Ecumenical Dialogues, Olli-Pekka Vainio

43. Dialogues with Jews and Muslims, Rita George-Tvrtkovic

44. Christian Deification: Dialogues with the Dharma Religions, Thomas Cattoi


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